The online racing simulator
Motor insurance question, driving other cars...
I have googled this, as well as reading my own policy, but im getting conflicting info from t'internet and my policy doesnt really make it all that clear, so imma ask here, as im sure i read that a couple of members here are in the insurance profession, i think, so, here goes...

My insurance FAQ section says that,

"Driving other cars – What is covered.

If your certificate of motor insurance says so, we will insure you to drive any
private motor car that you do not own, is not registered to you and you have
not hired under a hire-purchase or leasing agreement"

And my policy itself reads as follows...

So, it would seem clear, i can drive it, but it doesnt mention the very thing that i need to know, which is, does the other vehicle in question have to have an insurance policy of its own already on it for my any driver insurance cover to be valid, as although the car is fully road worthy as in taxed and MOT'd, my mate, who's car it is, has only recently got it, well i bought her it, but thats irrelevant as its her car, but she hasnt got her cover switched from her old and now deaded car to this one as yet.

So by reading my policy, she is obv covered to drive my car, as she is a named driver, and i am *possibly* covered to drive hers using my own policies cover as its not owned by me or a relative, but i do not know for sure, and i really do not wish to be driving around all illegal, which i potentially could be.

Many thanks in advance.
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The other vehicle needs to be insured and you're only given third party cover.
All it's saying is you can drive any other private motor car that is insured with permission and only with personal liability the damages you are legally liable for in the event of an insurable motoring incident (essentially third-party only cover).

Your policy will pay out on this providing that you aren't already insured on that particular motor car.