F1 Race Manager 2011 Browser Game
(253 posts, started )
Hoping Force India keep up the pace, doing well in the practice and in quali they mangaed to beat Sauber. Knew it was a good switch for this race
Looks like the combo of rbr and merc was good after all. Shame about rosberg but all in all I think the scores are going to be pretty tight once again
NOooooo, damn Force India. I felt sure that di Resta would do really well here and was doing well until then end

Should have stayed with Sauber.
Heh early in the race I was kind of kicking myself when the ferraris were 2 and 3 and my other choise was a double ferrari lineup. But then massa faded and alonso was parked and all of a sudden the merc-rbr lineup looked really good. Shame for that button pass, would have been 1-2-3 but 2-3-4 wasn't too bad either.

Too bad we dropped one place into 4th in the subleague competition. You guys need to improve or I don't get mah cap!
Ugh horribad race for me, swapped my STR engine and chassis for FI as they looked like better choices and ended up 210points down compared to the old teamsetup..nvm the cash it cost.

Even worse is we are slipping back in the subleague , 4th now.
Bah... Crap result, even with Button winning.
Quote from DevilDare :Bah... Crap result, even with Button winning.

Indeed. Lewis is screwing my stats up, being foolish and going for the Williams engine didn't help either...
Whooo I'm in the top 10.

Not a crap result, but too bad Perez wasn't there.
Ugh down another position into 5th... and to think that I was 1st a few races ago

Kov, Liu, Fer, Ren, Tot

Out of those, Kov, Alo and Hei DNFd :arge:
And the answer?

Yes I'm lazy.
It's definitely not the Johnny Herbert one. Dunno about the rest

EDIT: It's the Hakkinen one.
I went with hakkinen too. I'm so sure about it I didn't even read or check the other options. I just saw Häkkinen mispelled so it's gotta be that
Seeing as I have nothing better to do:

Schumi has never won Korea
6 different winners in past 10 years [Schumacher x2, Massa, Barrichello, Alonso, Vettell]
Herbert won '95 British GP
Jerez hosted European GP
First Valencia race was in August.

And Hakkinen's first win was the *infamous* '97 European GP.
Once again time for changes. Remember to make the bets too.
Damn completely forgot about the game and the qualify this time. Running the same configuration as last time, and no bets.
And since I forgot to answer the bonus questions, I could not afford a decent upgrade...
Yeah i totally forgot to answer the question, place bets and upgrade my team. Oh well.
It is a bit strange why they sometimes send the email notification about the bonus question but sometimes don't.

Anyways, ferrari-rbr engine and chassis does not look awfully bad for tomorrow.
I've bet all on Vettel pretty much. I need some more money ...
Pretty well for a damage limitation race
not bad, not bad.

i had kar/kovalainen rbr/ferrari/total

i forgot to do the bets though......
mclaren and sauber... fail weekend
McLaren / Renault.

Down 1 place...
Completely forgot about this. Didn't get an update email. Totally screwed now.

F1 Race Manager 2011 Browser Game
(253 posts, started )