Idk, where i gonna report, but guy named matthewrobinson (username) has hacked mine tm named WLC. I mean, that he hacked the server named [WLC] World Life Cruise D. Hes ingamename is Matt.
I actually saw that and chuckled, he started a host named "[WLC] WorldLife Cruise" (note the missing space) and asked for the "WLC Insim Track layout", whatever the hell that means.
Right for one i didnt hack the server i was looking for a insim i found one and it had WLC on the insim so i looked on the hosts to see if there was already a WLC and there Wasnt So i searched it up on the web to See what WLC Means i found out and because there was no host name of WLC i thought it was shut down because i had been running the named server for about a week and then thats when these came in and told me about the server and after because they helped me find a good Server Name and a alright insim i was fine about changing the server name
P.S and Insim Track layout means I wanted a layout for AS5 of the configuration of the insim were all the places was for the insim
Mate, I swear there is an army of 3rd graders here in Serbia that could read and write English better than you. I hardly understood what you were talking about.
Sadly a large proportion of the last two generations of youngsters in UK seem to have problems with their language skills. They seem to communicate in a mixture of text speak and bad grammar.
A friend of mine runs a small business and often advertises vacancies in the local newspaper. This was part of a genuine attempt of one lad aged 18 to apply for the advertised job.
10th July 2010
i woz reading adverts in noospaper bout ur jobs. my mum sez i shuld apply i have the skillz u r wanted. Can u tell me wot i ned to do for to get job. i have put cv in this letter if u reads it u will see i have the things u need.i have dun stuff at school and Coolidge and got good grade. i work hard and hav not got any trouble wiv police except for stealing a car last year but it woz not me it was my mate that did it i woz just riding in passenger seat. i want ur job to earn money and to be good at it if you can teech me. i want skillz for other jobs too. do i have to cum to u and do an intervuw or do i just ask u for job. i havnt got smart cloves only trainers and stuff but if u giv me job i can get ware smart stuff like ties and that but until u giv me 1st money i will hav 2 wear trainers and stuff like that. Plese tell me wot to do so get ur job. yours sinseerly XXXXXXXXXXXX
Apparently he turned up the next day to see if he had got the job and was quite abusive when he was told he was unlikely to be considered.
Sadly there is a whole generation of human beings on this Earth who don't care about grammer and just want to get their point across as quickly and easily as possable.
Why does every thread on this forum lead to "LFS NEEDS S3!!!!ONEONE1"?
LFS needs only one thing. Less people that complain about every chickenshitdetail.
Love it the way it is.
There is no such word as "thats", as far as my non-English-self is aware.
Sorry guys, but you discuss just that, and yet, you don't really care about your grammar? If I make such mistakes in an English test, I'm definitely going to lose some points.
@Cornys: Actually, if you didn't end your post with "It's rather annoying", I'd probably retain myself from posting. It was just too funny. I know my English is far from perfect too, but wow, the irony, dude..
There is a diference though. (That's ) or i wnt a jobz wid u cos i got skillz and no probz with da police except steelin a car :P
I put every effort into making sure my grammar is as good as it can be, i know it wont be perfect, i was bought up in Spain in Spanish school. where as that dude seems like he went to a school in Bradford or Bristol :P