@e2mustang, leonardo555:
yeah, originally the rbr is a little too low-poly, but there is nothing in the 3d-world that couldn´t be fixed. (see screens...)

polys with 3 vertices --> tris or triangles (clever, huh? oO)
polys with 4 vertices --> quads
I´m kinda sry to have to tell you, that you actually don´t change the polycount by deleting the senseless edges in the middle of your quads. Intern (of any 3d-software), all the faces will still keep divided into triangles... . (according to the sheme shown in the following picture: http://www.ericchadwick.com/po ... ples/tri_quad_hexagon.gif )
Meshsmooth is kinda "cheating", as you get into the habits of high-poly-modelling, and this aint good, trust me.

nice ones, like the scenes.

nice scene.

thx, just found some motivation and time to move one with my little sunshine.

Attached images
Quote from bright devil :@e2mustang, leonardo555:
yeah, originally the rbr is a little too low-poly, but there is nothing in the 3d-world that couldn´t be fixed. (see screens...)

thats right,only if u have the time in the world. not when you work 12-13h/day, 6 days a week i wish i could do more stuff. nice model u got there btw
Quote from beefyman666 :Been playing around with 3DSmax and came up with a little something, nothing special as I'm really crap at all this modelling stuff.

Only been merging parts from other scenes and pulling bits about.

As you can probably tell, it's a twin MRT engined UF1.

Edit: Added rollcage.

Thanks to LineR32 for the help.

Hmm Have u got that texture with no windows for XRT
And if its posible Can u make it =) XRT Car with no windows all clear =)
Quote from bright devil :@e2mustang, leonardo555:
yeah, originally the rbr is a little too low-poly, but there is nothing in the 3d-world that couldn´t be fixed. (see screens...)

polys with 3 vertices --> tris or triangles (clever, huh? oO)
polys with 4 vertices --> quads
I´m kinda sry to have to tell you, that you actually don´t change the polycount by deleting the senseless edges in the middle of your quads. Intern (of any 3d-software), all the faces will still keep divided into triangles... . (according to the sheme shown in the following picture: http://www.ericchadwick.com/po ... ples/tri_quad_hexagon.gif )
Meshsmooth is kinda "cheating", as you get into the habits of high-poly-modelling, and this aint good, trust me.

nice ones, like the scenes.

nice scene.

thx, just found some motivation and time to move one with my little sunshine.


Hey Ric, im not entirely sure what is your point here. Are you trying to be helpfull or are you just patronising me??

I dont understand why you need to explain me that 3 vertice poly is a triangle, and 4 vertice a quad......in my last posts i make reference to TRIANGLES ans SQUARES. Plus im not 3 years old.

Next, i dont understand why you say the poly count is the same.... because it just isnt. You have Poly's and you have Faces. If they where the same thing, you wouldnt have that distinction in the software. Yes its true that 2 triangles have 2 faces, and a square have also 2 faces, but the poly count is not the same.

Last but not least, i really dont understand why is meshsmooth cheating? I mean, im not trying to do a playable model, im trying to make a very nice PICTURE ( or render , whatever you prefer ), and in my opinion, you cant do a realistic scene with the current RB4 lines ( like many have said, its just too bumpy!! ). If you take a closer look, those renders from philthy have some kind of mesh smooth ( and by the way, they look fantastic ).

So, in a nut shell, i really dont understand your words towards me, specially if you took the time to awnser positively to everyone last posts exept mine. If you dont like my work, its perfectly fine, just come out an say it . I dont mind the critics at all, good or bad, i just dont like to be patronised without a reason.
JBiturbe, I was just trying to be helpful.
Maybe some things that I type come off wrong as I´m not typing so much in english in general. (me <-- from germany)

And no, neither I don´t like you nor your work. I actually like it.
It´s just that I kinda consider meshsmooth as cheating, because It´s creating tons of polys (depending on iterations) and if you don´t use it correctly, which is happening in most times, it just looks too round, like a stone in the river. (omg, I fear I´m not patronising again)

But hey, I could try this, too, actually, than always argue against it.

*wait a moment*
*see pics below *

Skins by Duke, Hansi (2x) (all loaded from life4pixel)

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Hey Ric, i guess it was just a comunication problem of mine.

Anyways, i see your point on the meshsmooth, it does round up everything!! But inside meshsmooth you have a tool called "crease", and if you know how to use that you can make some nice detailed stuff!!
I love to use that tool, i dont care if takes ages to render, or if it takes ages to crease all the right edges , the end result is worth it!!
(juliao) DELETED by juliao : spam
(juliao) DELETED by juliao : spam
One simple and boring render:
Quote from Kina13 :Juliao, have you asked him to post his render here?

se fla aportugues e essa imagem o do henrique sim agora nao intendo sua preucupaçao neste caso ?
e uma imagem publica nao precisa se morder de ciumes por ver uma imagem d eum companheiro seu aqui como coloquei no topico uma imagem editada do henrique nao vejo nada de errado nisso

Quote from bright devil :@e2mustang, leonardo555:
yeah, originally the rbr is a little too low-poly, but there is nothing in the 3d-world that couldn´t be fixed. (see screens...)

polys with 3 vertices --> tris or triangles (clever, huh? oO)
polys with 4 vertices --> quads
I´m kinda sry to have to tell you, that you actually don´t change the polycount by deleting the senseless edges in the middle of your quads. Intern (of any 3d-software), all the faces will still keep divided into triangles... . (according to the sheme shown in the following picture: http://www.ericchadwick.com/po ... ples/tri_quad_hexagon.gif )
Meshsmooth is kinda "cheating", as you get into the habits of high-poly-modelling, and this aint good, trust me.

nice ones, like the scenes.

nice scene.

thx, just found some motivation and time to move one with my little sunshine.


very nice rb4 gtr good idea path s3
oh my god so many nice rb4´s and rbr´s, great work folks.
so i couldn't resist to give it also a try. i really hope i find the motivation and time to finish it

greetz caoz
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Quote from C40Z :oh my god so many nice rb4´s and rbr´s, great work folks.
so i couldn't resist to give it also a try. i really hope i find the motivation and time to finish it greetz caoz

...teh **** dude... You just killed it... Damn nice!
Quote from Bose321 :...teh **** dude... You just killed it... Damn nice!


C40Z, you just raised the bar here

If you can take some constructive critics, i would just like to point out the thickness of the tires ( a bit too thick for a GTR, imo ). Seems the front wheels are touching the body because of it also. But thats all i can point out!! Other then that, i think this is showing the best potencial off all the RB models presented here!! Reminds me of the real GT class Supra .

Very, very good job man.
Caoz's back? Damn nice thing dude.
WOAHH, thats sexy Caoz
Just an update on my RB4 litle project.

Been trying to pay attention to details on this one, already made some more custom parts. Also been messing around with V-ray lights and scenes. And thx to Leo, i have new, proper, windows without buble effect .
Now i need to figure out how to make my renders sharper, without so much foggy shadows . Been having some trouble with that.

Anyways, i leave here 2 small test renders .
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(leonardo555) DELETED by leonardo555
Quote from JBiturbo :Just an update on my RB4 litle project.

Been trying to pay attention to details on this one, already made some more custom parts. Also been messing around with V-ray lights and scenes. And thx to Leo, i have new, proper, windows without buble effect .
Now i need to figure out how to make my renders sharper, without so much foggy shadows . Been having some trouble with that.

Anyways, i leave here 2 small test renders .

Dude, call me on msn when I'm online and I'll help you...
Nice render btw...
At moment I have no patience to finish.... this is just one "idea" of the front

sry for double post
Attached images
front 2.jpg
Uh, many hot RB4's. I liek.

Quote from leonardo555 :At moment I have no patience to finish.... this is just one "idea" of the front

sry for double post

Looks great. You should keep on working with it.
well, high-poly and many failures resulting from (windows ...)
butt, hell-yeah, looks pretty nice.

I´m not just as content as I´ll bee, when my RBR is finished, but I´m not ready yet, right.

the project part 7 ;)
sry for double-posting, but
*see pictures*

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Hey there, sorry for offtopic, but could please someone remind me the site that had NFS/GRID/Dirt/Juiced II car model scenes for 3ds Max?
LX6 freed to roam the country roads
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Quote from saroman :LX6 freed to roam the country roads

pffft.. I'm currently in the middle of a similar theme, but with the Raceabout. Will finish it tomorrow as it's getting rather late now.

Your render looks great but thats to be expected with a renderer like Indigo. What was the renderingtime?
Not that long actually, maybe 40 minutes with a quad core AMD X4 970.
Indigo is a great renderer, this was my first try with it. Looking forward to discover what else it can do

3D LFS renders
(8243 posts, started )