Say it ain't so! A third season of the Live For Speed Destruction Derby League, featuring the much-loved TBO class?!
Yes, you are reading correctly: after 2 pretty successful years, I would probably be stupid not to consider running a third season. In actual fact, I was incredibly unsure about whether I was going to run it this year. Having used most of the suitable tracks over the past two seasons, I was really skeptical as to whether I would be able to find any golden layouts that would really work that I hadn't used before.
Then we got 0.5Z30 and so on until the new official version of 0.6B. I was seriously overjoyed, as were most of the LFS community, at the new versions. I was most overjoyed with the increase of autocross objects, all objects on all tracks, and of course, open tracks. Due to this, all but 2 rounds are on open tracks (I would've used an open Kyoto but then realised that the open track was a bit poor for DD usage to be honest) which feature crossovers, ramps, and some of the craziest things you've ever seen (okay, that might be an over-exaggeration).
Anyway, back to business: there have been some changes to the rules, which you can now find here. The most important changes are as follows:
1. There has been a quite major reshuffle regarding championships. Now, there are only 2 championships: a race and points (overall) championship. This was changed because the original 3 championship setting annoyed some people as they thought that the points were "meaningless" if anyone could just waltz up and take the overall title without really doing any rounds. The points system for the final round will be added nearer the time.
2. Crash points are now only awarded to the attacking driver and not to both parties as was previously done; this was changed to emphasise that you actually have to hit people in this league to win it all.
3. Skins are now specified in the rules; previously there was no real restriction apart from "you have to have your number on one side" which sometimes proved annoying.
The fixture list (could change at any time) is as follows. All rounds will take place at 8pm UK time (that's 7pm UTC):
6th August: ROUND 1: "Island Of Destruction III: Hills & Spills" @ Fern Bay Club Open Reverse
20th August: ROUND 2: "Classic Crashing III: Rallycross Rumble" @ Blackwood GP Open
3rd September: ROUND 3: "The Upmarket Demolition III: The Aston Death Race" @ Aston Cadet Open
17th September: ROUND 4: "Circular Carnage III: Ring RAMPage" @ Kyoto Ring Reverse
1st October: ROUND 5 (Race points champion decider): "Urban Brawl III: Citywide Chaos" @ South City Chicane Route Open
15th October: ROUND 6 (Points/Overall Champion decider): "The Elimination Extravaganza" @ Autocross Skid Pad
The server we will be using is LFS Destruction Derby (many thanks to Ales_M and morpha for hosting this once again!)
Signups will open on the 1st of July, as they did last year. The thread will be linked to this thread to prevent what happened last year happening (basically, some people registered in the wrong thread and the threads got merged and ohmygodwhatthehellishappeninghere)
Hopefully you'll take part in the best DD league LFS has probably ever seen: whether you're a debutant, a seasoned regular, or a crazy person who has done every single race so far because he's the admin of this whole thing (hurr) I'm sure you'll enjoy probably one of the most fun leagues in LFS if you decide to take part!