The online racing simulator
Quote from Ratman :Thank you for this. We had a 54 laps race last weekend with UF1 on Sprint 2 full. It turned out that there is a high crash risk at that point where you have to turn right to go to the pitlane. Drivers who want to enter the pits have to choose another raceline as those racers who stay on the track. See the attached pic. I´ve marked the normal raceline (green) and the line of the people who want to enter the pits (red). We had several crashes here so I think ther must be some sort of barrier to separate the cars who want to turn right. Any idea?

Glad to see it used! However I wasn't expecting a race with pitstops to be included with that particular track. Mainly for the reason that you explained. The only way to fix that would be what Mille said, which would be to make a "pit entry line" with some yellow chalk on the right side. This still won't fix the problem completely, but would about 90%.
Quote from PMD9409 :Glad to see it used! However I wasn't expecting a race with pitstops to be included with that particular track. Mainly for the reason that you explained. The only way to fix that would be what Mille said, which would be to make a "pit entry line" with some yellow chalk on the right side. This still won't fix the problem completely, but would about 90%.

if making LONG, LONG Yellow Chalk line to the right side, it would show morely the info that driver is preparing to go pits, which will cause other drivers to prepare someone goes to the pits, only thing is need to stay IN Yellow line
Yeah, like I said that would fix 90% of the issue. It's like doing a race on SO4R. The pit exit can be alittle hectic.

I should try and make a big update to this soon. Hopefully it will help EQ Worry aswell.
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :F27 - Eliminator (Clockwise)
F27R - Eliminator (Counter Clockwise)

I think it sucks but...

Split 1 and Finish Line have changed their spots, when changing track to CCW from CW (and vice versa ofc)

I just want to add that using UF1000 with maximum restriction in this track feels like pretty much miniatyre KY1. Suitable laps are about 10-20 ( unless you feel dizzy because you obviously drive circle). But with about 10-20 drivers it should be pretty exciting
I'd like to release Airio PROS 2.5.5 tonight with initial support of some of the layouts available in this thread that have PTH files as well. Most things should work, but not all (most notably voting for layout tracks). Also the layout check is not yet perfect.

My question is: Can I include the supported layouts directly in Airio distribution (with appropriate info), or would you people working on the layouts prefer just a link to this thread? If they can be distributed, the layouts will have simple names such as A23.lyt or K32R.lyt for much easier loading.
Quote from EQ Worry :I'd like to release Airio PROS 2.5.5 tonight with initial support of some of the layouts available in this thread that have PTH files as well. Most things should work, but not all (most notably voting for layout tracks). Also the layout check is not yet perfect.

My question is: Can I include the supported layouts directly in Airio distribution (with appropriate info), or would you people working on the layouts prefer just a link to this thread? If they can be distributed, the layouts will have simple names such as A23.lyt or K32R.lyt for much easier loading.

I prefer to use simple names, altough full names would be enough cool too! But in this case, simple names (unless all things are ready for a go)
EQ, any chance we could add F25 to the list of configs to be fast-tracked with .PTH creation? It would be very useful for the upcoming IGTC round...
F25 is certainly an interesting track, I'd say it is the next one I want to convert to PTH and half-official support. It has two new spots, which is good for racing, but bad for PTH creation.

Another thing is reliability of the whole new code in Airio. While I was testing a lot, only real usage will uncover the remaining holes, and I'm sure there are some, situations I did not expect. I do not think it is a good idea to use very new code for a league race.

So, as I see it, there's just one way to go: Release Airio PROS 2.5.5 with initial custom tracks support. As any bugs are discovered, I may be able to correct them and at the same time work on F25 support. his all can then be either small 2.5.5 update or 2.5.6.
Just FYI, we are and we have been working on it, will have those ones you mentioned to you very soon

PS: If you have time, please add F25 in the update, thx!
Quote from EQ Worry :These are A11, A12, A13, A21, A22, A23, B11, F11, K31, K32 plus all their reversed versions. To check layout, I intend to hard-code the positions of check points (splits) that must match with expectation. So the positions of split lines and finish line have to be correct and never changed.

To be extra sure I think also route checkers could be used? I do not have much experience with layouts, but if the route checkers are placed on some suitable places between checkpoints, Airio could also verify these and make extra sure the layout/track is valid. So I would suggest adding route checkers after every crossroad. Signs showing where to turn next and how far it is would be great to have for better orientation.

Then there's the question on B23 and B23R.

Added the aforementioned layouts to this post, we'll have more of them soon. Now that we can select groups of objects and transfer them between layouts, we shouldn't have to do the old copy layout, rename and flip splits trick

Route checkers, hmm, well generally the splits and the objects do a good enough job of keeping people on the right track, and the problem is people would be spectated for taking the wrong route instead of having the chance to correct their mistake. Personally we'd rather route checkers were left to individual admins if they felt like they were needed.

As for B23/R - ok they perhaps are not something to be used for too long on a server - we had them in 3 lap races, but that was without the barriers around the lake so people would fall off there. They are still good fun though, if an admin is online to watch out for people exiting the pits. Meh, if you can do it, fine, but don't worry too much about it.

Quote from EQ Worry :My question is: Can I include the supported layouts directly in Airio distribution (with appropriate info), or would you people working on the layouts prefer just a link to this thread? If they can be distributed, the layouts will have simple names such as A23.lyt or K32R.lyt for much easier loading.

Fine by us to remove the names - but we'll still keep the names on the layouts in this thread if that's alright?
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Great, thanks! Now I'll just quickly make sure the updated layouts are still recognized as custom tracks and then I'll release Airio 2.5.5 with the layouts included for easier testing. All FULL/PROS owners should receive a mail from me tonight, in 1 or 2 hours.

PS: I see A11, A12 and A13 are not included in the layout set.
Fail, now done :doh:

Maybe make a demo of this available somewhere for us to try
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Great, thanks again! There's & GEN Open Racing server where I'm testing all these new layout things. Latest Airio and latest LYTs are now installed, so you may come and check. You're Limad4 so you may change anything (track, layout, cars), that is if you know the right commands, Boothy.
As Boothy posted above, there was an update to many layouts. The pack can be found in the update of the first post.
Sorry if this is a dumb question I've never looked at open configuration tracks before. I copied the contents into the layout folder but the tracks don't appear in LFS? How do I access the tracks in the game?
hold CTRL whilst you are in the tracks menu, X & Y will appear next to the combos, just choose the one you'd like to drive
Thanks mate

Quote from reason0809 :hold CTRL whilst you are in the tracks menu, X & Y will appear next to the combos, just choose the one you'd like to drive

Hi and thanks for the layout updates!

I have created path files for two more tracks, F21 (rally long – I would rather call this track F51 to stress the fact it is a rallycross track) and F25 (classic). I believe the latest Airio updates are working well, the custom track support is doing what it is supposed to do.

However, there's a problem I was already hinting at earlier. The problem is how to make sure it is the official layout loaded and not some custom layout with the same name. Currently, only the layout name and number of splits in the layout are checked, then corresponding PTH file is loaded.

This is good enough for AIRW good laps and WRs, because path check is done. But there are layouts where people can cheat concerning their AIRW and server PBs. Such as making an F25 layout that allows you skip the mini oval or go through the faster side of that central tree island where FE2 and FE3 meet.

What I propose is to put route checkers, big enough so that people cannot miss them (if this is possible), into all such special places. I'm not sure how those checkers work, do they ensure that only proper laps are timed, and saved into stats and as AIRW PBs?

What I plan to do next is to check position of all splits and checkers of the loaded layout, which should make it very sure the proper layout is loaded. People still will be able to do changes to the layouts, like adding/removing some objects, but all splits and checkers will be guaranteed to stay at the original spot.

What do you think? Is this possible and meaningful?
I've just tried to place some route checkers on track and tried to not go through them and it looks like the penalty is working OK but it doesn't affect the actual laptimes, which is not what you want. But maybe there could be a way to extract the penalty value via insim, I don't know.
Quote from EQ Worry :
What do you think? Is this possible and meaningful?

Eehhrrmm why is this necessary?

I mean, sure it's great to have 100% sure hotlaps but if you decide to cut the mini oval or the island shouldn't the PTH path error file kick in and invalidate the time? Thats where this whole path check is for after all

If you decide to change the checkpoints as server admin this also shouldn´t be a problem because the endtime stays the same. But, you can change start/end which can result in different lap timings so maybe for the idiots out there it's best to have those checkpoints and finish line checked

But checkers along the route, it seems like unnecassary work to me if the PTH file is working correctly

Great job again by the way to have F25 already ready!
My experience of route checkers is that they are numbered as you place them, and if you drive a lap but miss one, then the next one you go thru throws you off track with wrong route message, e.g, route checker 1, 2, 3, 5, off.
If you make the inside of the oval (the grass) as well as the tarmac that would cut as "invalid" then I don't see the issue?

I would have put the split 1 there originally, but wanted more consistency on where the splits were placed. So I used the same split 1 as FE2.
Thanks for all your responses! You're right, the route checkers really do not do the job I would need, and they may complicate matters a lot. I was testing them a bit too...

However, it is very important to ensure unchangeable split positions. Also, ideally the splits should be put on such places where they ensure correct track sections are used.

Going through the currently supported layouts, I discovered maybe 2 tracks where small changes were needed, like moving the split point to the minioval (F25), moving splits to a bit different spots (A31, I think), and creating a new (2nd) split (A33, if I am not mistaken).

I hope the layout creators can live with these changes. What I'm trying to do is to get maximum safety that all the lap times on custom tracks are correct and mostly "uncheatable" by updating layouts (and path files).

I have all these layout checks done now. The code requires specific, hard-coded positions of split/finish lines and also of restricted zones, if they are justified. And they can be, I use restricted zone on F25 as additional safety measure.

Except for checklines and restricted zones the other objects can be freely added or removed, I believe this is the correct approach... Tomorrow, if time allows, I will upload here the updated layouts for your approval, comments, etc...

Again, thanks for the feedback. Airio 2.5.6 is almost complete now. When it is released, all current AIRW custom track lap times will be removed and only the ones coming from version 2.5.6 and newer will be accepted.
I'm still confused, EQ. Maybe my confusion is the same as some of the others who posted recently...

The way I see it: basically, if you want to prevent someone cheating in order to win the race, then some kind of generic "route checking" might be required, as the PTH file can't do this (because people can leave the path by just going wide on a corner by accident and speccing them for that would be a bit harsh ).
However if you want to stop people getting top times by cheating, then I believed the PTH file did that job perfectly.