ID not found problem.
every time I connect the insim to my server I get the attached.

and with everything like accsel, pb ect.
Please help ASAP.
Kind Regards,
Attached images
That message is related to a translation which can't be found.
Search for that text in your LPR file.

- Either the referral to the translation is spelled wrong
- Or the translation isn't actualy there

Otherwise save your LPR file as a TXT file and upload it here so we can have a look.
Search in your Lang "EN" section for main_welc1. There should also be a main_welc2.

The default main_welc1 message is

"^7Welcome {0} ^7to ^1LFSLapper ^7powered server !%nl%^2Type ^7!help ^2after leaving garage to see commands.";

so you can either copy and paste the above, or make your own.
its there and it still happens
Are you running Krayy's CIF module coding?

If so, one of his modules has a welc1 message in it (sorry, can't remember if it was membership or handicaps module).

Maybe try stopping module (put # mark in front of includes line in the addonused.lpr file) to see if the error message disappears.

Failing that, look in your log file and see if there's an error somewhere (possibly a missing semi-colon [;] at the end of a line near where the main_welc1 language file is located).
#6 - Krayy
That message also appears if you have a type in one of your LPR scripts. Check the error logs to see if there is an error e.g:

/3/2011 4:26:28 PM -> Syntax error in cfg file "./cif/config_event.lpr" at line #179
'THEN' needed
Function 'raceeventinit' script aborted

means I had a syntax error in my raceeventinit.lpr script on line 179