The online racing simulator
2011 Kyoto 500: Protests and Penalties
File them here!


Session ID
mpr time or session time
Lap of incident
Your Car Number
Other cars involved
Brief description of incident

Also, if you don't want to protest specifically, but wish to report bad driving / other incidents, either PM me or email it to [email protected]

You have until 09:32 UTC on Monday, June 27th 2011 to file any protests you deem necessary.
After observing a marked discrepancy in performance during Bump Day involving Car 24 (E. Berisha) the administration decided it would be necessary to ensure that it was the same driver doing all qualification attempts.

However, on investigation of the serverlog, it was noticed that the IP that connected for E. Berisha on the 3rd attempt did not match that of any previous IPs on the day. The initial IP used traced to Denmark. The foreign IP was traced to Canada. We understand that home IPs can and often are dynamic, and that changes can be expected at almost anytime if the modem loses contact with the DHCP server and cannot renew that particular IP. However, we also are aware that it is not possible to go from one range of IPs to another without being a major difference.

It was discovered via checking for the foreign IP in the serverlog, that the driver doing E Berisha's 3rd attempt was in fact, Car 10 (N. Lamothe).

This action is in violation of the NDR Sporting Code - it is deemed to be unsporting behaviour. Therefore, the following penalties are levied:

Car 24 (E. Berisha) is excluded for 18 months from all NDR events (effective 19 June 2011).

Car 10 (N. Lamothe) is excluded for 9 months from all NDR events (effective 19 June 2011). Only 1 month will be actually applied - the remaining 8 will be suspended - and the driver on probation for the remainder of the 9 months from 19 June 2011.
You have until 09:32 UTC on Monday, June 27th 2011 to file any protests you deem necessary.
Session ID: Race part 2
mpr time or session time: 1h07min
Lap of incident: end of lap 81
Your Car Number: 96
Other cars involved: 36; 51; 52; 54
Brief description of incident: car 52 already lap down,but still very racy and tries to make very weird pass between me (96) and 54 when 4 cars wide in narrowest part of track,but not managing to stay clear of 54,hits him causing crash between all involved cars.

(I would be surprised if this would be the only protest on 52 as I heard a lot of complaints about his driving)
Session ID: Race part 1
mpr time or session time: 1h17min
Lap of incident: lap 90
Your Car Number: 39
Other cars involved: 74; 09
Brief description of incident: after saving myself from spinning the 74 and 09 (and others..) catch up on me. 74 goes inside for t2 but then comes back up high while i hold my line causing a crash.
Quote from Eclipsed :Session ID: Race part 2
mpr time or session time: 1h07min
Lap of incident: end of lap 81
Your Car Number: 96
Other cars involved: 36; 51; 52; 54
Brief description of incident: car 52 already lap down,but still very racy and tries to make very weird pass between me (96) and 54 when 4 cars wide in narrowest part of track,but not managing to stay clear of 54,hits him causing crash between all involved cars.

Car 52 - 10-place grid penalty; causing an avoidable incident. Also, torpp1s's Oval Licence is hereby revoked after being involved in multiple incidents during the Month of June

Quote from painster :Session ID: Race part 1
mpr time or session time: 1h17min
Lap of incident: lap 90
Your Car Number: 39
Other cars involved: 74; 09
Brief description of incident: after saving myself from spinning the 74 and 09 (and others..) catch up on me. 74 goes inside for t2 but then comes back up high while i hold my line causing a crash.

Incident was adjudicated and penalized in-race with an end of line penalty to Car 76.

I'll get results and points posted Thursday, all is ready, just gotta make some posts.
This thread is closed