The online racing simulator
(7 posts, started )
I wanna know what means a "Node", like in this code:

if ((MCI.Info[i].Node >= 380) && (MCI.Info[i].Node < 520))

Is Node, a X coordinate? Or Y ? so what is? And how can i know the coordinates? :S

I tried to search in google, and in INSIM.txt and i didn't find anithing, please helpme.
This was already explained to you in THIS POST.

A node is neither an x or a y co-ordinate, but basically an invisible line that stretches from one side of the track to another. Each track will have hundreds of these nodes (lines), and the numbering of these nodes are different for each track/combo.

The new open configurations don't have nodes (unless specifically made for an InSim, such as by EQWorry).

Your code is saying that on a particular track (you haven't specified which), if you are between the nodes 380 and 520, an event is triggered.
(Mischa NED) DELETED by Mischa NED : Double :)
yes i know that was explained, but how do i get nodes? :S
Have a look at your InSim code to see if there's a CASE command for !node.

If so, with your insim running, type !node at various points on the track and record what number is given.


Possibly, if you were to define precise area of a track (maybe with help of an image) then someone else maybe able to give you the node numbers.

You'd also have to specify track (e.g. SO2 or SO2R). Don't ask for X or Y track configurations.
Im using a X track, and friend of mine sayd that i can't use nodes in X and Y, how do i make roadnames now? :S
Quote from impresora :Im using a X track, and friend of mine sayd that i can't use nodes in X and Y, how do i make roadnames now? :S

oh my cracker
Im not using crack -.- My brother have S2 and im scripting to he okey? -.-

(7 posts, started )