I agree with you, it's only a game, who cares about a kid using it in the name of his server? Obviously it bothers Mr. Reiljans, so he had to come and question him about it...
Quote from U4IK ST8 :I agree with you, it's only a game, who cares about a kid using it in the name of his server? Obviously it bothers Mr. Reiljans, so he had to come and question him about it... Who cares about somebody speeding 100 km/h over the limit where nobody sees it?
Quote from E.Reiljans :Who cares about somebody speeding 100 km/h over the limit where nobody sees it? Don't worry, the insim will catch the bad guis.
http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1615171 Looks as if he is running it from his home box. My suggestion grow some comon sense and aknowledge your mistake. Also don't waste Scawens time.