The online racing simulator
How Sauber BMW will win this year's F1 race.. bug
i just found out how BMW sauber will win, and possibly continue to win..

they have figured out how to warp space and time.. just watch how my sauber goes through the wall and continues with no damage (suspension wasn't even touched, i just rewatched replay and slowed it down to .125 and the suspension didnt even flicker yellow [in f10 view])

i swear its a conspiracy
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BF1thruwall.spr - 14.9 KB - 220 views
Quote from XCNuse :i just found out how BMW sauber will win, and possibly continue to win..

they have figured out how to warp space and time.. just watch how my sauber goes through the wall and continues with no damage (suspension wasn't even touched, i just rewatched replay and slowed it down to .125 and the suspension didnt even flicker yellow [in f10 view])

i swear its a conspiracy

LMFAOOL! (laugh my fat arse off out loud)