In the near future I will be holding an all-out, race your heart out; Battle For The Cash Racing League.
The website to register will be up within two weeks, along with that more details about the race it self.
How this will work; Sign up on the web site, when you sign up you will receive the password to get onto the server, run your qualifying time (anything faster than 1:37:00) will be considered a pass, then you pay a small entrance fee (amount will be set soon), post your best lap time on the website forum. ALL QUALIFYING LAP TIMES must be achieved on the BTFC server.
After all players have qualified we will start the elimination heats, 10 drivers at a time. (this reduces crashes) The first five across the line will advance. The amount won greatly depends on the number of drivers that qualify, the more that race the more you win.
This is no contact racing. This is open to all Live For Speed members.

The website to register will be up within two weeks, along with that more details about the race it self.
How this will work; Sign up on the web site, when you sign up you will receive the password to get onto the server, run your qualifying time (anything faster than 1:37:00) will be considered a pass, then you pay a small entrance fee (amount will be set soon), post your best lap time on the website forum. ALL QUALIFYING LAP TIMES must be achieved on the BTFC server.
After all players have qualified we will start the elimination heats, 10 drivers at a time. (this reduces crashes) The first five across the line will advance. The amount won greatly depends on the number of drivers that qualify, the more that race the more you win.
This is no contact racing. This is open to all Live For Speed members.