(4 posts, started )
I have an annoying problem with the way LFS uses the POV switch on my Logitech Driving Force PC wheel. I normally use that POV for looking around and I assign left right and back for looking sideways and for looking behind but the thing is that when I accidentally (and with very little effort i might add) press the POV switch in a "in between" position (7:30 o'clock instead of 6 or 9, you get the idea) LFS doesn't recognize the command i'm using. If I'm in a race and I try to look on my right while steering at the same time, I very easily press in that in between position and I lose my view. Any ideas on fixing this ? i tried disabling the in between position with logitech profiler but I was unsuccessful.
If nothing can be done at the moment then I think this should go in the improvement suggestions forum.
Well...I may have a solution.

You say you have the Profiler, so you could set that diagonals to press left or right.
i actually thought of that by that only solves the problem for one command. for example if i look to the left then accidentally actually press left-down, if i set left-down to the "left" keyboard key then i will still be able to look left but if i want to look behind then accidentally press left-down i will be looking to the left instead of behind etc. I think one solution would be for the devs to make this little change/tweak in the game where if you press / (left and diagonal) or \ (right and diagonal) it should only take in consideration the left and right POV commands. same for down and down-left diagonal/down-right diagonal, it should only take in consideration the down command.
anyone ? dev's ?

(4 posts, started )