Hello all! This thread is not actually for all beginners who have just started to play some LFS, but morely like to people who would like to try to make own team.
Also, this info might be useful for first timer members too
I have seen many, many many new people who have started to make team but who don't have any clue how it would work fine and well stable. So this is the thread for people who would like to give a try and make an own team.
With all of my 4½ years of experience, I think I am ready to give some advices. (More experienced people can also give and share their opinions and add any useful info to get started a one)
1. Members
Keep good and active members on team. They don't need to be fast in track, but respectful and useful. When team's base is in good morale by having members doing their job, it will increase more interest about team. This will open the chances to have fast and real drivers instead of such a bunch of trolls. Remember ot keep old members on respectful because without them you would not really make that far as you would dream on it. A good member never deserve kicks from team just only because he/she is too slow on tracks
2. Activity
As in section 1, activity is the key of having team in LFS. It is important, and I think you really don't want to keep unactive people in team, unless they have something else in real life, for example, a military service.
3. Updating performance
It is important to have mostly good news from team, which you would like to tell to the public. Many teams like to update their info about having new member joined to team. Also, if having league or something smaller but important, it is good to tell a one, to have more interests ofc. Notice that too little or useful info isn't a worth to make a big deal. Also in LFSForums, showoffs are also useless, in this community no one really gives a damn thing.
Maybe the best thing is to tell, when team gets first league victory ever in any race...(if making a race team and I remember my own victory... those times, making happy tears...:shy
It only tells a good for the community, and more people would be interested about team's inside
4. Meetings
Meetings for example, in LFS, in TS3, in msn or facebook or everywhere, those are important to have them. Keeping meetings like every 2nd weekend, you will also have a clue about whats new on team, whats the problems or matters, what are good news or bad news, have members left or joined, or rejoined, everything. You will have a clue about your team. Specially when you are a team leader, it is very useful to make some meetings.
5. Contact
While you have more members in team, it is good to have kind of any contact to your members. For example, having member's msn addresses, you will always able to say just hi or want to ask something or just requesting to play some LFS with you. Also, this keeps updated the thing, which members are active.
6. Do the tasks
If having a good team, team leader doesn't need to make ALL things on team. If having loyal members, they definetily would do some little tasks, while you need to do something else. What more they are able to do or they want to do, the more your team will become more better.
7. Not too much members
every team has their limits. If just have started a team, it is good to have members as in maximum 10 members. Too much members in team would cause a chaos and no one knows who is trolling or wtf is happening in where. This would be a result team would make falling down by itself. (My team did this twice until now has a good base tho). Also, respect would decrease greatly.
8. Having fun
Without fun, team is boring. Simply no one wants to get bored.
9. Social skills
Members who have social skills in your team, is a big +1 to make a team forward. A good person is definetily a person who:
Don't whine everytime
Don't cause unnecessary disputes (The best example you can see all the big team names. You can count how many times they start to make an argument against others? I get 0)
Not stubborn (Can think other guys too, not only itself)
Isn't a troll
Also, in LFSCommunity wants to have good atmosphere, so prepare, when you recruit a member, he might be alot different than you would like to be. Not everyone have same opinions and in the worst case scenario, the member what you recruit, might be a 200% troll! (yes, 200%)
10. Language skills
If you have started an international team, be sure that everyone can atleast talk some english. Making a team where no one understands anything each other, it will cause falling down and everyone starts to dispute with their own language, making a huge splits between each other inside a team and finally it will be dead.
So, the best key is to start find out a people who are from same country as you do.
11. Miscellanous addons
When your team is stable and some members proofs from their heart, to be with you, to build the team on top (and also they are socially good), you are 100% ready to plan own team skins, own team websites, and why not a server. This makes even more stabilised and harder to have a collapse.
12. The drivestyle you want (Race, Drift, Cruise, Other?)
Ok, this should be on section 1 but I put it on last because it doesn't matter what style your team makes if basically team is not stable. Also you should also to find out about what kind of driver your members are. The best start is simply to foucs on one style only. After that you might be ready to find next one.
( I or "we" (community) will add more useful information about in here while I got more time)
I should put this on teams section, but because this is for the 1st timers (and why not for a bit more experienced LFS players) I decided to put this on LFS beginners forum.
I hope all the info what you would like to find out, is useful. The info is not perfect, but making a perfect team, everything is up to YOU.
for the LFSCommunity, please do not hate me, IF there was similar thread (I did not found it) thank you.
Also, this info might be useful for first timer members too
I have seen many, many many new people who have started to make team but who don't have any clue how it would work fine and well stable. So this is the thread for people who would like to give a try and make an own team.
With all of my 4½ years of experience, I think I am ready to give some advices. (More experienced people can also give and share their opinions and add any useful info to get started a one)
1. Members
Keep good and active members on team. They don't need to be fast in track, but respectful and useful. When team's base is in good morale by having members doing their job, it will increase more interest about team. This will open the chances to have fast and real drivers instead of such a bunch of trolls. Remember ot keep old members on respectful because without them you would not really make that far as you would dream on it. A good member never deserve kicks from team just only because he/she is too slow on tracks
2. Activity
As in section 1, activity is the key of having team in LFS. It is important, and I think you really don't want to keep unactive people in team, unless they have something else in real life, for example, a military service.
3. Updating performance
It is important to have mostly good news from team, which you would like to tell to the public. Many teams like to update their info about having new member joined to team. Also, if having league or something smaller but important, it is good to tell a one, to have more interests ofc. Notice that too little or useful info isn't a worth to make a big deal. Also in LFSForums, showoffs are also useless, in this community no one really gives a damn thing.
Maybe the best thing is to tell, when team gets first league victory ever in any race...(if making a race team and I remember my own victory... those times, making happy tears...:shy

4. Meetings
Meetings for example, in LFS, in TS3, in msn or facebook or everywhere, those are important to have them. Keeping meetings like every 2nd weekend, you will also have a clue about whats new on team, whats the problems or matters, what are good news or bad news, have members left or joined, or rejoined, everything. You will have a clue about your team. Specially when you are a team leader, it is very useful to make some meetings.
5. Contact
While you have more members in team, it is good to have kind of any contact to your members. For example, having member's msn addresses, you will always able to say just hi or want to ask something or just requesting to play some LFS with you. Also, this keeps updated the thing, which members are active.
6. Do the tasks
If having a good team, team leader doesn't need to make ALL things on team. If having loyal members, they definetily would do some little tasks, while you need to do something else. What more they are able to do or they want to do, the more your team will become more better.
7. Not too much members
every team has their limits. If just have started a team, it is good to have members as in maximum 10 members. Too much members in team would cause a chaos and no one knows who is trolling or wtf is happening in where. This would be a result team would make falling down by itself. (My team did this twice until now has a good base tho). Also, respect would decrease greatly.
8. Having fun
Without fun, team is boring. Simply no one wants to get bored.
9. Social skills
Members who have social skills in your team, is a big +1 to make a team forward. A good person is definetily a person who:
Don't whine everytime
Don't cause unnecessary disputes (The best example you can see all the big team names. You can count how many times they start to make an argument against others? I get 0)
Not stubborn (Can think other guys too, not only itself)
Isn't a troll
Also, in LFSCommunity wants to have good atmosphere, so prepare, when you recruit a member, he might be alot different than you would like to be. Not everyone have same opinions and in the worst case scenario, the member what you recruit, might be a 200% troll! (yes, 200%)
10. Language skills
If you have started an international team, be sure that everyone can atleast talk some english. Making a team where no one understands anything each other, it will cause falling down and everyone starts to dispute with their own language, making a huge splits between each other inside a team and finally it will be dead.
So, the best key is to start find out a people who are from same country as you do.
11. Miscellanous addons
When your team is stable and some members proofs from their heart, to be with you, to build the team on top (and also they are socially good), you are 100% ready to plan own team skins, own team websites, and why not a server. This makes even more stabilised and harder to have a collapse.
12. The drivestyle you want (Race, Drift, Cruise, Other?)
Ok, this should be on section 1 but I put it on last because it doesn't matter what style your team makes if basically team is not stable. Also you should also to find out about what kind of driver your members are. The best start is simply to foucs on one style only. After that you might be ready to find next one.
( I or "we" (community) will add more useful information about in here while I got more time)
I should put this on teams section, but because this is for the 1st timers (and why not for a bit more experienced LFS players) I decided to put this on LFS beginners forum.
I hope all the info what you would like to find out, is useful. The info is not perfect, but making a perfect team, everything is up to YOU.
for the LFSCommunity, please do not hate me, IF there was similar thread (I did not found it) thank you.