The online racing simulator
Help me: How to get messages to my server? [solved]
So; im making a Karting server. To make sure, that people know the idea of the server, rules, etc., how can i write messages to the starting up of the server?
I mean, when ppl enter the server

Cheers, hope you know what i'm talking about and thanks
Server alone supports only the welcome message that is displayed during the establishement of the connection to the server. AFAIK.
To get actual messages when a driver joins the server like a pop up, you need an insim. Try Airio.
Quote from xfirestorm :Server alone supports only the welcome message that is displayed during the establishement of the connection to the server. AFAIK.

Yes, indeed, that's what i meant

So how to use it?

Edit the welcome.txt that can be found with the dedicated server's configuration files... See Scawen's reply below.
To add a welcome message on a dedicated host :

1) Create a plain text file welcome.txt in your dedicated host folder. Write a short message in this file, using multiple lines if you want to.

2) Open the file setup.cfg file in notepad. Find the line //welcome=welcome.txt amd remove the first slash so it is not a comment. The line now reads /welcome=welcome.txt and this will mean that welcome.txt is loaded as a welcome message when your host starts.