I usually just go with one. Great, more SAS modules means more power...which means more modules which....you know the rest, finish it for me
I can't go TOO overboard on power else it runs at a slideshow, I managed to get 100 SRBs on and it ran at....about 0.01 FPS, then rocketed (no pun) up to 100 when they exploded en masse. Only got to 10k too.
My Rocket "Easy Rider"
We have Lift off!
Ion engine for long running. Engines just burning out now (not a bad speed/alt )
This game can be seriously improved with the right soundtrack.
In other news, the scientists of my space program have recently discovered that the standard throttle setting isn't 100%! The future pre-launch check will now include the throttle setting. Rocket science is hard, isn't it?
The experimental "100% Throttle"-technology has apparently been applied successfully during the last mission! Radio contact with the test vessel was lost at 2500km distance at which point it was still going at several km per second. Jebediah, Bill and Bob will be remembered as heros forever...
...If we had known this earlier, we could've saved us a parachute... Such a waste...
Reaching orbit doesn't mean reaching a certain height, but being so fast (horizontally) that you "continually fall beyond your planet/reference body", in a way, while being high enough so the atmosphere doesn't slow you down noticeably.
Rockets lift off vertically to leave the denser parts of the atmosphere behind them as quickly as possible, but BY FAR the biggest part of the acceleration is done horizontally.
To orbit Earth at 300km one needs to "go" at 7,8 km/s, yes, kilometers a second. Try to imagine that. To orbit the Kerman's planet a more modest 2300m/s, or 2,3km/s is needed at 50km/s.
A simple rocket that can make it to orbit would be something like this:
liquid fueled engine
4 SRBs in simmetry, mounted on radial decouplers.
To get to orbit you have to fly straight up for 10km, then gradually pitch down, ideally being level more or less at 40-50km.
The atmosphere ends quite abruptly, at 34km more or less, until you're above this height speeds won't be ludicrous.
I wound up strapping on a 1000L fuel tank, 4 liquid engines and 6 SRBs. Made it into a pretty screwy 'orbit', but the main thing is...it hung in said orbit until the fuel ran out. Success! I shall call it...Wheatley
By now I've achieved orbit quite a few times. The challenge is now to fling the spacecraft into space after slingshotting around the planet. I'm only able to reach around 6500m/s (all vanilla parts) but it's always fun!
I really can't wait to see what they end up doing with the rest of this game. Even this very basic concept has kept me busy for hours
Finally tried it and with a simple rocket design with the Control pod and comms devices on top, 4 large fuel tanks, a tri-pod thing, 3 rocket engines, 3 movable panels and 3 solid fuel boosters i can get in proximity of the little moon thing right outside the atmosphere. Extremelyyyy fun game
the challenge im working on now going from kearth to a tight orbit around the sun and the over to the moon for a landing, and then back to kearth for a powered landing.
It isn't very easy to get that much fuel into space.
Anyone has a good tutorial on how to change ur orbit inclination in an efficient way? (like from 270° to 45°)
Without messing up your altitude / eccentricity
I recently got back into it after I bought the game on Steam early access. But I enjoy making planes more than rockets, this is my best creation so far...