That could explain zeros in that field on my exp. details... (experienced n00b )
But - wasn't it differently calculated before? I remember I had 160 points in hotlaps before. I don't believe those 11 deleted hotlaps would make 60 point difference.
The "Hotlap PBs" feild is concerning hotlaps uploaded to LFSW. The Experience Index Rating is calculated solely from your LFSW statistics, you never need to drive a lap on a Airio server to get your true rating...just connect.
I'm not sure... My EX went up .2 when I did a lap 103.75% of WR on AS4 with the XFR... I don't think it was concidered Airio clean though either, but I'm not really sure.
To be honest with you.. I don't concider myself to be that good, but.. yes That's pretty respectable I always look at the hotlaps rating to determine how good of a racer that person is.. You're almost 15 pts higher than me there
IMO the hotlap thing is scary to judge people after. Some people are insanely fast alone, but when they drive togheter with others they are completely maniacs who can't race for shit.
I much rather value a slow, but safe and fair driver than an alien
Well, true.. but I think that's the best thing on there to look at alone.. I've raced against crusers who have rating in the 600's and their hotlap ranks were in the low 100's... they sucked. The races can be misleading sue to short races.. distance + hotlaps might not be a bad judge if it wasn't for cruise and drift really.
475 .. meh, I'm not fast by any standard, but I'd say I'm good at racing, and I tend to use the hardest cars available, so ..
you normally find me midfield, being kicked out by FXRs and XFRs and yelled at by there drivers