Hi there!
I am a little bit disappointed:
For a change it is not with the speed of lfs-development, but with the lfs-racing community:
I would have expected some of the existing or maybe some new server-owners with some sort of concept for practicable layout racing on XY-courses.
Instead I see some cruise und drift - expierencers horizonts broadened,
(REALLY great for cruisers and drifters), but NOTHING new in the well
visited racing servers.
I have tried out on some very clever layouts, even on servers with automatic rotation and a lot of smart Aerio-Support, but not enough
drivers have shown up to keep those servers "alive".
The pressure on the well established racing-servers to think over layouts
is zero through that lack of curious layout-drivers.
What could help to increase the possiblity of active racing on new track
layouts: A layout contest - homepage/forum maybe?
What do you people think?
I am a little bit disappointed:
For a change it is not with the speed of lfs-development, but with the lfs-racing community:
I would have expected some of the existing or maybe some new server-owners with some sort of concept for practicable layout racing on XY-courses.
Instead I see some cruise und drift - expierencers horizonts broadened,
(REALLY great for cruisers and drifters), but NOTHING new in the well
visited racing servers.
I have tried out on some very clever layouts, even on servers with automatic rotation and a lot of smart Aerio-Support, but not enough
drivers have shown up to keep those servers "alive".
The pressure on the well established racing-servers to think over layouts
is zero through that lack of curious layout-drivers.
What could help to increase the possiblity of active racing on new track
layouts: A layout contest - homepage/forum maybe?
What do you people think?