Hi guys, recently posted here my "CV" but I decided to update it a bit, so.. here goes nothing
Not participated in a lot of events, just OLFSL, GTAL and TBOC.
My first team was Karma Racing, where I knew a lot of good racers that became really good friends in real life. They always cared about me, so I always trained my best to keep up with them in every race we made or for any tournament we were in. Participated in TBOC and OLFSL at Karma.
Then I migrated to Fluid Racing, when Karma's LFS division went to a bust. The main reason I joined Fluid was because my friends from Karma were all there and the already older members of Fluid also performed a very warm welcome to me. Here I participated in GTAL.
My last team was BlackBullRacing. This team was born due to the fact that Fluid Racing just stalled a bit. Some older members of Fluid weren't just racing anymore.. This was just a friends team, all from Karma Racing. It was sad to see this project die in the LFS department because we had it all like at Karma. Good drivers, a very good skinner (the best for me, Biturbo) and a race server, all at our own expenses.
Recently joined up with two other mates of mine, really good friends too, to participate in the new GT World Series Champ. Looking very foward to it

Fact, I'm not a very fast driver but I always practice to be the most consistent I can be. I'm a honest driver who is just on the track to drive my best to the finish line.
What kind of team are you looking for? Race
Age: 19
Country: Portugal
Preferred Car/Track: AS3 @ FZR
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: 1:41:8xx @ FZR @ AS3
How Active Are You? Nowadays very, at home most of the time
What Kind of Control do you use? G25
Time Zone: (UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
I guess that is all