There's nothing else running apart from windows services, I noticed that after the low fps happen the computer is really slow.. and as you can see I have almost nothing installed in the computer (40 processes running).
Edit: Because there's high cpu usage I went to the other tab to see what's using that much CPU, but it shows that the idle process is using 90%, so I can't find what's the real problem with LFS.. If I don't use LFS at all.. the computer will work perfectly hours/days.
Are you sure that there isn't something overheating? Like the GPU... Which turns itself down as a safety measure.
Other then that there are no low FPS problems. If you do experience that then you have a 1995 video card and / or system and it's time to do something about it.
Well .. The solution is easy. Install Z28 and wait 5 minutes. But I actually think it's still the laptop itself / drivers. If the FPS suddenly falls from 100+ FPS to 8 then clearly the GPU is being clocked down or even shut down. My Asus G2S did that too.
Vacuum cleaner helps more then a cooling mat. You won't believe how much dust a laptop can suck up in a few months and block the air paths. I took hunderds apart already.
The solution is not to install Z28, as I said that this problem happens on open tracks.. I can race for hours (well the computer can.. I'll probably be tired after 1 hour.. hehe). In fact I'm racing in other servers fine..
I would suggest use a program to monitor cpu temperatures like everest or aida32.It's the last thing that everybody thinks of(including me) but often the cpu or gpu gets overheated and slows down to avoid burning.
If the cpu or gpu run at over 80 degrees c then you have a heat problem and you need either to buy a bigger case and a better cpu fan and place the case on a better place to cool(outside from the desk for example)
If you have a laptop there are some decent laptop coolers on ebay...
Last but not least a better video card or processor is the best solution as some of the newer proccessors and video cards run better because of smaller die-cast.
Ps-And the last solution i found the best after some messing around is water cooling...
Hi I Downloaded HWMonitor and check the temperature and when the low fps happened, system, h.d. and gpu, were under 80 degrees. And playing other games I saw that temperature going up to almost 90 without any effects on the fps. So I really think is not a overheating problem.
After I ran the game the cpu usage is really high, in "idle" the idle process is "using" 60-70% but I cannot find the other 30-40%. I have 39 processes and the sum of all of them is less than 10%.
So I think is a game problem in open layouts. I don't what does wrong but definitely is not a hardware problem.
Thanks for your suggestions but I cannot add liquid cooling or change the graphic card, it's built-in in the motherboard of my laptop..
There's a difference in your posts. It's not because "you're Pete". With the lack of updates we get these days the community will flame anyone who talks down on the few updates we get only because one guy can't get 100fps with a maxed out graphic setting
Well no one actually came up with anything helpful to resolve the FPS issue I was having even though I tried to explain that I wasn't complaining about the new configs/updates.
Even with lower (lowest) graphics settings i still struggled to get 20fps, but of course, you didn't want to know that...
At the end of the day, as more and more people try these layouts, there are going to more and more complaints. So get used to it!
Well in car view normally gives a tiny bit less than wheels view, and maybe follow but I've never really tested it - obviously on open configs you'll have less FPS to play with so the effect will be magnified...
And Pete, you didn't even bother to reply to a member of your own team who was trying to help you, so what chance do we have to get you to listen Though if you get 20fps what the hell were you getting before you turned your graphics down?