The online racing simulator
Your writing here like your inventing electricity once again. Nice work but nothing special.
Quote from Ales_M :Your writing here like your inventing electricity once again. Nice work but nothing special.

which sentence made you think like that??

and most of my layout are for drift competitions, only last two are just for fun, in case if you're bored

Also wanted to ask, what should I do / create to make them special?

Thanks anyways!
Quote from BADLVBOY :which sentence made you think like that??

and most of my layout are for drift competitions, only last two are just for fun, in case if you're bored

Also wanted to ask, what should I do / create to make them special?

Thanks anyways!

Hard question. Autocross with same objects is here since 2003 , my point is everything has been done allready. To make them special we need : new objects for use or new areas. And dont take this as negative just stating a problem , i ve done 10 times lyts you done so i know what im talking. And as I said everything has been done allready, screw nazi car we want more objects for lyts!
made another track
Hope you'll like it!
Have fun!

Objects used: 494
Track width: 14m
Direction: Clockwise (but on circle drive counter-clockwise)

Layout preview

Download is available HERE

Layout preview:

Download link is available HERE
from the last mini-comp

Since Lyt database is down, ill attach download file to my post (below)

Edit: all links on first page has been updated, since lfs lyt database has a new host
Attached files
AU1_NSys MareX_got angle^q.lyt - 2.1 KB - 288 views
made 2 new layouts, which we used on our minicomps

Download is HERE

Download is HERE

by the way, All links are renewed, since LYT database chaged host again, feel free to download them
In case you've been drooling at these spiffy layouts, just clicked 20 links with no success, and began cutting yourself with a sharp object:

First, stop the bleeding.
If it doesn't stop, call an ambulance.

After that: