LFS kart meet 2011 Wales; livestream / teamspeak
People who or on this event;

1. Turkey
2. Mark
3. dollarek
4. Gerdoner
5. Paul
6. Macker
7. KayJay
8. Pete
9. Jason Lovett
10. Andrew Lovett
11. Feuerdrache
12. Storm_cloud
13. Becky Rose
14. Junkan
15. Daniel (my son)
16. brood
17. Victor
18. breadc
19. Franky500
20. mackiethestaggie
21. count.bazley
22. Bob Smith
23. three_jump
24. adamlfs
25. Mp3 Astra
26. The Very End
27. Keith
28. cargame.nl

#2 - amp88
Very disturbing to have seen a big white ... ehm... back???!!! on the screen.
I want to see that tramampoline too!
Can somebody explain,who is who there?
Ewwww Becky!

I think the people who are there are in the top post.
Quote from jrd.racer :I think the people who are there are in the top post.

I believe he cannot link the names from the list to the faces on the stream
#8 - amp88
Hi...can someone tell three_jump to say hello on the uStream, please?
Oh right, for most of the time I cant either. I recognise Becky, Turkey, Astra and very few others.
I get motionsick from all these moves^^
five bucks to see 3j naked with snooker balls
[22:17] <@amp88> how many wall sockets/outlets are there in this room?
[22:17] <shotglass> 200
[22:17] <@amp88> it looks like there are about 10 under the tv
[22:17] <+Jasse> over 9000
Quote from amp88 :Hi...can someone tell three_jump to say hello on the uStream, please?

he said that he will say hi later... addicted to snooker atm
Tell TVE to come and say hi to his R2R team mates,we are watching stream
Well are you still watching?

For information The Very End is Tor Ole Lerbæk for the ones not knowing that.

And I got quotes after a interesting discussion with BreadC, Becky and this other man:

BreadC: I wonder how it would be like having an penis grow in your face, and then finding out how it feels to blow youselfe.

To sum it up, it's interesting to say it least

I'll be taking it a little easy this evening since karting tomorrow, but holy ball****ing shit tomorrow will be diffrent.

And Jason - No I won't rape the table again, or the window.. I promiss!
I would so love to be with you guys this weekend!
Don't go to bed early, drink and discuss and go apes**t on the pool table, it IS worth the laughs!

Say hello to all the lesbians, forum bitches and crazy people, miss you all!

cya next year hopefully!

daddy butz
Nono, can't **** the table this year, or Jason would murder me
Quote from The Very End :Nono, can't **** the table this year, or Jason would murder me

Would be nice to see that live
Sorry for being ignorant - but what is this? Sausage fest?
Spot on!

To answer that the best thing would be to search "Kart Meet 2010" in the main LFS part of this forum, there there are information of what this thing is.
If there is a LFS Nordschleife meet, I'd be in^^
Woah, I just had BreadC's balls in my mouth, off camera. Man they are salty!.

Hopefully the favour will be returned later..... Lets see which one is more satisfying.

UK Kart Meet Server

I drank beer with becky tve and dave (forgot username on here, oops) at beckys last night, work commitments means i couldnt come and race this year, booo!!!

was a good fun evening though, not sure i enjoyed setting out at 05:45am to go to work this morning from beckys as much though lol
Damn... also Dutchies at this event?

Would have loved to join you guys, especially meet Tor!