Right then.
My ten pence's worth.
The BBC is without doubt the best broadcaster in the world. It is a model both admired and aspired to by many. The BBC is unique in this modern capatalist world and we should consider ourselves very very lucky that it has managed to survive as long as it has. The Beebs output isn't just about F1 or eastenders or Doctor who. The beeb is about the very programmes you guys have been knocking it for, everyone pays, everyone is entitled to watch well informed, and well made programmes about doorknobs of the 15th Centuary on BBC3. I would gladly pay more for my licence, because I use the whole length and breadth of the BBC, Radio, TV, Internet, News, Current Affairs, Enterainment, Comedy, the list is endless. And I very dare you to come up with viable and equivilent Broadcasters who offer as much as and to the same quality as, the BBC.
Bernie never wanted the Beeb to get the F1 because he couldn't get his sharebuying, scheming, company purchasing, money grabbing little hands on any of the coverage. Which is why it's so controlled and there is constant reference to it by Martin and the boys. I think the BBC did a tremendous and respected job against the difficult backdrop that is the politics of modern F1. If F1 drops from the beeb, I wouldn't miss it. It's their coverage I like, no adverts, unbiased (as much as they can be) and UNCONTROLLED from any investors or interested parties. To be honest, if it drops from the beeb, I think it will just serve to highlight just how much the sport has lost followers and will only serve as that final last straw for many UK followers.
And thus, I urge the BBC to not fret it, don't chase it. Get Aussie V8's instead.