The online racing simulator
A Million Dollar Accident.
(31 posts, started )
would be funnier if you're retorts where'nt so silly, benltys are an annoying car to drive, namely with the lame addle shifter set-up... all the buttons you must press to get from manual to auto etc etc...

we all make mistakes... generally not on a scale like that though ( but imho all these cars would have been replaced with brand new models by now )
A: Being blond is a state of mind, not a hair colour.

B: Serves them all right for being in the way of a Bentley on a mission.

C: Good news is, their probably living off your money anyway so what's the damage, forclose on a few more US homes and it's all paid for.

"Daaaarling, get me a new car, mines been touched by a poor person ..........."
Quote from Racer X NZ :C: Good news is, their probably living off your money anyway so what's the damage, forclose on a few more US homes and it's all paid for.

I did not know you could find a conspiracy in a car crash...

Bravo, Racer, Bravo..
My bad,
They must be hookers then, it's hard to tell the difference between them and the young brides of the wealthy..............
Quote from Racer X NZ :My bad,
They must be hookers then, it's hard to tell the difference between them and the young brides of the wealthy..............

poor people, its In one of the richest spots around you complete and utter tool.

Crashing into someone's ferarri and calling them poor is like saying you like music then listing nirvana as a favourite; Completely Retarded.
#31 - Tuze
Quote from Bose321 :Would've been even funnier if the Ferrari caught on fire...

I have to agree, that would've been quite hilarious

A Million Dollar Accident.
(31 posts, started )