Ok, at the Kart meet we had quite a lot ideas on how to improve LFS.
Unfortunately the combination of alcohol and a lack of sleep doesn't help when you are trying to remember sth. So here I'll post what I remember was talked about, maybe others can add what they were talking about
Unfortunately the combination of alcohol and a lack of sleep doesn't help when you are trying to remember sth. So here I'll post what I remember was talked about, maybe others can add what they were talking about

- Having an alpha layer to determine the glossyness of the skin, e.g. having a full white alpha layer would lead to a chrome like reflection, having a full black alpha layer would make the car look matte.
- Playing the sound of a pit horn everytime someone enters the pits.
- More ambient sound, especially in the pits (mechanics working on cars) and/or the sound of a race reporter on a pa (can be muffled, doesn't have to be race specific)
- TVE mentioned something about bouncy cameras and the behaviour of cameras when you are spinning but I can't remember what that was all about
- Build all the roads in the world using GPS data, so that we can race everywhere we like. (And no, that was a serious suggestion someone had :really