Hai all.
My car radio is driving me mad. Basically I've changed the antenna itself to a new one, I've replaced the antenna cable and even put a signal amplifier somewhere in between. So all of the things you need to get reception are brand new. Yet the reception is really bad. When I'm in the town it works fine and a few channels are good enough to listen but drive 10-15 km away and it's all gone and those few channels you can even get have a lot of white noise.
The radio itself should work, I tested it in another car and came to a conclusion that it was either the antenna cable or the antenna itself that was failing.
What I do
My car radio is driving me mad. Basically I've changed the antenna itself to a new one, I've replaced the antenna cable and even put a signal amplifier somewhere in between. So all of the things you need to get reception are brand new. Yet the reception is really bad. When I'm in the town it works fine and a few channels are good enough to listen but drive 10-15 km away and it's all gone and those few channels you can even get have a lot of white noise.
The radio itself should work, I tested it in another car and came to a conclusion that it was either the antenna cable or the antenna itself that was failing.
What I do