I think what we are seeing here is the pressures of expectations from the sim racing community having a greater affect than once thought.
Take what happened here in LFS almost 3 years ago. When the patch was delayed, with a good reason behind that, the majority of the community here where willing to wait, sure we had bitches who moaned but that's life. However when it was becoming clear over the following weeks and months and the new patch wasn't coming in early 2009 (their words not mine) then more people started to moan and become disillusioned with it. Now it's almost 3 years and it's become a bit of a running joke (I was, in fact, going to make a joke comparing LFS to the Manic Street Preachers album 'Forever Delayed', but even that was released eventually) and as a result I do believe we have seen LFS suffer as a result.
Another example would be NetKar Pro, God only knows what happens with that at times. We could go through years of not getting anything to a magic period of 6/8 months where we see rapid expansion followed by another slow down.
My laboured point is thus, iRacing where damned if they did and damned if the didn't...just like Scawen is if he ever gets around to releasing the new patch for LFS just like Kunos is for netKar pro whenever he does anything....we has sim racers have to readdress our expectations slightly, sometimes cut them some slack and look past flaws and see a bigger picture.
Whatever has been done is better than what we had...sure not as much as we wanted but still progress is progress, and surely nobody better than sim racing nutters are able to appreciate that the finer things in life come to those who wait...now back to my Guinness
BTW can I just registrar my extreme disappointment that there is no Guinness drinking smiley available to use on these boards....and too think we are moaning about trivial things like NTM....pfft