The online racing simulator
A real problem here
(9 posts, started )
d3d8.dll error ?
When I run LFS the first time I'm getting the error;
Windows\system32\d3d8.dll is either not designed to run on windows or it contains an error.
I had to replace a hard drive a few days ago and did not have this problem on my first install. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Win 7 32 bit
Try reinstalling DirectX, or just download a fresh d3d8.dll and put it in the LFS folder, It works most of the time for me.
tried putting the .dll file in LFS folder..didn't work for me. And I have not been able to find a download for Direct X 11
Just found the download.. but the installer said it was already installed... Darn, I,m stuck and I really enjoyed this sim.
A real problem here
I made an earlier post.. and this is a screen shot of what I get when I click on the LFS Icon on my desk top. Can this post get to someone who
can really help with this. The sim programers or forum moderators who could put me in touch with help. Thanks for replys
Attached images
ScreenHunter_01 Aug. 04 18.00.jpg
Added d3d8.dll to LFS folder
This is what I have after adding the d3d8.dll in my LFS folder.
"Screen shot"
Attached images
ScreenHunter_02 Aug. 04 18.09.jpg
Get a correct d3d8.dll file from somewhere like Win7 install CD and copy it to X:/Windows/system32. You might need to do that in safe mode because of system files protection (which obviously failed in your case). Repeat as necessary for any other corrupted files.
Anyway it's very unusual to have such kind of error, my bet is it's been caused by some malware so the safer course of action would be a clean windows installation.

Also, next time please don't open multiple threads for the same problem or if you absolutely have to at least post a link to the previous thread in the first post, thanks.
This is the only game on my pc that does this. If it were a system corrupted file I would think that I would be having other problems as well.
As far as multiple threads, I was just hoping for replys which were not forth comming... Sorry
I did replace my system\32 d3d8.dll and I have recently done a fresh install of Win 7 (32 bit)
By the way, I have visited Prague quite a few times, beautiful City.
I am a photographer.
Quote from wpthayer :This is the only game on my pc that does this. If it were a system corrupted file I would think that I would be having other problems as well.

Not necessarily. LFS still uses old DirectX 8 and it's very possible that other apps you use don't use DX at all or use at least DX 9 or higher, that's why everything else behaves fine.

I attached 32bit d3d8.dll and DDRAW.all from my Win7 install. Check what size are those files on your computer. If the size is off even by a byte, the file has been modified somehow. You can use mine to try to fix the problem.
Also don't forget to remove d3d8.dll from the LFS directory.

d3d8.dll - 1036800 bytes
DDRAW.dll - 531968 bytes

Quote :
By the way, I have visited Prague quite a few times, beautiful City.
I am a photographer.

It's only beautiful when you know where not to look, though I guess you've figured that out too
Attached files - 682.8 KB - 184 views
MadCatX, Mine are the same size exactly. My Direct X version is 11..should that matter?
This is making me crazyer...

A real problem here
(9 posts, started )