The online racing simulator
CityDriving / Cops&Robbers
(134 posts, started )
Stern, i have been banned by some losers on your server at 7:58 PM GMT on 4/6/06 for no reason other than driving into the car of the guy who is calling me thing s like a "c***, n*b, pri** etc... Please can you unban me as i use your server all day all the time. Please look into this! Thank you.
I hope you mean 4/7/06?

ahhhh Time flies by with LFS®
Quote from BlakjeKaas :I hope you mean 4/7/06?

ahhhh Time flies by with LFS®

Hehe... Thank you for that... I don't think i could be without this server for a month and just sit looking at the "host refused connection" sign lol
Quote from Sternendaal :Layout I made a few days ago to play Cops&Robbers on. Used it online for some time aswell,and people liked it,so I'm putting it online now

Comments appreciated

reason #3867391(./,)*2 to buy LFS...
Which I think I will do after the Demo League, or tomorrow...

* Choose what thing you use in your country for a decimal point thing...

Is this the first Cops&Robbers layout, or are there more reasons to buy LFS? (this IS a serious question...)
Actually, CnR is most fun on the actual race tracks IMO. So you have just another 30+ reasons.
played it yesterday. love it
Fun stuff. I think I did pay a long visit yeterday. Too bad there's not all that many servers of CnR, its fun .
When people can't follow the rules tis very frustrating, but! when tis all good it tis all good!!
Quote from robato :When people can't follow the rules tis very frustrating, but! when tis all good it tis all good!!

Which is the reason I have been thinking about a passworded server.

@Plakje kaas: Hoeveel reden wil je hebben?
How does the game go...
Are there always the same cops?
or is it like you're busted, so now you have to chase people?

@ sternunddahl: het is BlakjeKaas, en ehm... er zijn er al genoeg maar ik wacht tot het einde van de demo league, waar je een license kunt winnen...
dus (m/w)ss zie je mij aan het eind van de zomervakantie met een S2 license... (hoop ik)
Quote from BlakjeKaas :How does the game go...
Are there always the same cops?
or is it like you're busted, so now you have to chase people?

@ sternunddahl: het is BlakjeKaas, en ehm... er zijn er al genoeg maar ik wacht tot het einde van de demo league, waar je een license kunt winnen...
dus (m/w)ss zie je mij aan het eind van de zomervakantie met een S2 license... (hoop ik)


Kinda depends on it. When your busted,you go into spectators mode for x minutes,and when that time is over,you are released.
And when you are released,there is no need to be a cop. But if you wish,you can ofcourse.

There will be a website up sooner or later,where all info will be.
Ok, and can someone PLZ send a replay?

not LFS replay, cause I can't play that...
Is here my litle version :P

Attached files
AU1_CNR.lyt - 4 KB - 795 views
i like; yours doesnt have signs as to which side you need to be on though like Sternendaal's does
it really looks like a city... nice... somebody could put this in a server...
OK and now 2nd version

Attached files
AU1_CNR2.lyt - 4 KB - 617 views
Quote from XCNuse :i like; yours doesnt have signs as to which side you need to be on though like Sternendaal's does

The old one had,but I only have 512 objects,and if I put signs everywhere,I just dont have much roads
I like the fact that there IS ONE good way to drive it, cause else it's too messed up, too 'race-track''ish'
Is there a roundabout or a jail in your layout, Zonda?

@Zonda: it's too square, too block'ish'...
sternendaal's track is more road'ish'

BUMP for replay request
CityLife ideas
1st of all I love this brilliant idea, because (and now please don't throw rocks at my head) I was quite amazed by the gameplay of NFSMW, just hated those stupid "physics". Always dreamt about being able to cruise that beautiful city with some LFS car, with LFS outstanding physics. I also missed living people in the NFSMW city (and pissed on stupid superfast cops there). Now you brought this nice extension to the LFS gameplay, once we are seriously tired from the heat of GTR races and looking for some relax.
This even made me go out in the streets of Citylife with those drifter ricer skins on my XRT pretending I'm a bad guy sitting pretty high on the Blacklist!

The suggestions I'm writing here mostly follow the idea of getting the police pursuits from NFSMW to the Citylife, as well as even a bit more reality as we got now.
  • there are more cops than typically now - at least 4 or 5 of them
  • these cops are patrolling around the city, not necessary all of them, looking for rules violation
  • minor rules violation (speeding, no turn lights) they solve themself alone - POLICE! Stop the car! -> warning
  • When suspect refuses to respect cops and run away, they still following alone
  • If they can't stop the suspect, they call assistance using "police comms", telling their position and heading -> 2-3 cops in pursuit
  • If they still can't stop the suspect, and if the suspect crashes other cars in pursuit etc., they call "helicopter" = spectating dispatch (a must admin) who organizes a large police action with road blocks
  • during the pursuit the punishments are raising from the warning only, up to the several minutes in spec. (10 at total max?)
  • Shift+S (teleport to pits) is denied by the LFS Lapper, pressing shift+s resulting to spec = instant *busted*
  • If car crashes => damage, and needs to pit (while pitting is denied), the player must spec and rejoin - this should encourage players to drive carefully, like they would in real life
  • I lost the track because my wife just called me on the phone
  • oh yes and the dispatch/admin, could modify available cars, to be able to give FXR to the cops, while other cars can be only non-racing cars (up to the LX6)
  • of course the dispatch/sheriff does not have to be the speccer all the time, when things go smooth, he can patroll or do whatever other cops do, but he has to have admin rights, to force rules on the server (and make it an enjoyable place for those who wish to follow).
As you can see, I'm suggesting pretty organized and somehow trained cops - not anyone can become cops just when they wanna have the power (and abuse it) - they have to know and follow few simple rules, and admins have to control them - very similar as moderators in any other online game (cops here) and smods or sysops (admin/dispatch/sheriff here).
To offer more nice streets to cruise around (and more escape paths for bad guys) I've also edited Maxe's Citylife layout a bit. The screenshots are here also for those who wanna see the Citylife layout basically as it is now. For your convenience i have filled out areas where you can't normally drive with a blue tint.
Attached images
Quote from RAYfighter :1st of all I love this brilliant idea, because (and now please don't throw rocks at my head) I was quite amazed by the gameplay of NFSMW, just hated those stupid "physics". Always dreamt about being able to cruise that beautiful city with some LFS car, with LFS outstanding physics. I also missed living people in the NFSMW city (and pissed on stupid superfast cops there). Now you brought this nice extension to the LFS gameplay, once we are seriously tired from the heat of GTR races and looking for some relax.
This even made me go out in the streets of Citylife with those drifter ricer skins on my XRT pretending I'm a bad guy sitting pretty high on the Blacklist!

The suggestions I'm writing here mostly follow the idea of getting the police pursuits from NFSMW to the Citylife, as well as even a bit more reality as we got now.
  • there are more cops than typically now - at least 4 or 5 of them
  • these cops are patrolling around the city, not necessary all of them, looking for rules violation
  • minor rules violation (speeding, no turn lights) they solve themself alone - POLICE! Stop the car! -> warning
  • When suspect refuses to respect cops and run away, they still following alone
  • If they can't stop the suspect, they call assistance using "police comms", telling their position and heading -> 2-3 cops in pursuit
  • If they still can't stop the suspect, and if the suspect crashes other cars in pursuit etc., they call "helicopter" = spectating dispatch (a must admin) who organizes a large police action with road blocks
  • during the pursuit the punishments are raising from the warning only, up to the several minutes in spec. (10 at total max?)
  • Shift+S (teleport to pits) is denied by the LFS Lapper, pressing shift+s resulting to spec = instant *busted*
  • If car crashes => damage, and needs to pit (while pitting is denied), the player must spec and rejoin - this should encourage players to drive carefully, like they would in real life
  • I lost the track because my wife just called me on the phone
  • oh yes and the dispatch/admin, could modify available cars, to be able to give FXR to the cops, while other cars can be only non-racing cars (up to the LX6)
  • of course the dispatch/sheriff does not have to be the speccer all the time, when things go smooth, he can patroll or do whatever other cops do, but he has to have admin rights, to force rules on the server (and make it an enjoyable place for those who wish to follow).
As you can see, I'm suggesting pretty organized and somehow trained cops - not anyone can become cops just when they wanna have the power (and abuse it) - they have to know and follow few simple rules, and admins have to control them - very similar as moderators in any other online game (cops here) and smods or sysops (admin/dispatch/sheriff here).
To offer more nice streets to cruise around (and more escape paths for bad guys) I've also edited Maxe's Citylife layout a bit. The screenshots are here also for those who wanna see the Citylife layout basically as it is now. For your convenience i have filled out areas where you can't normally drive with a blue tint.

loved the rules and the Lyt... we just have to wait to see the server's owner's opinion about it...
Quote from Dudles :loved the rules and the Lyt... we just have to wait to see the server's owner's opinion about it...

Thanks, and I know his oppinion regarding layout - he liked changes at the top-right sector (green dividers to make new oneway streets) and didn't like the reversed bridge between two highways (I don't like it either lol).
Nevertheless, some other new layout is online now, and it's a fresh change, kinda chaos for a 1st sight, and few streets over parking lots, but i like the higher number of streets and overal smooth shape.

Regarding rules, I'm not sure what Max thinks about no-pit rule, would love to hear his oppinion too.
I have no fast line to run the server myself, it's up on Max or perhaps anyone else who could and want to run it. So just ideas to show to people, if they like them, they can push them online.

edit: I've attached the layout file for you to taste. (S2 licenced only)
Attached files
layout.rar - 2.7 KB - 425 views
I guess, you want to know, how you can drive on it.

The answer is, that you cant in demo. You will have to buy a licence to be able to use the layouts.
The screenshots look pretty cool, but there's one point I dislike.
You have barriers to split the road in 2.
But, IRL you have just stripes, so it will be easier to not-damage your car, and it also will be easier to break the rules (drive wrong-way)
so just remove the barriers and put lines over there

edit: and it's not a crime to send a replay
(not in LFS format, but in youtube or whatever)
The only thing i dislike about Cops and Robbers is something due to LFS.

When you hit the barriers, you fly up hundreds of meters in the air. Pretty nasty bug.

And Ray, if you make it impossible to pit, you won't be able to change cars / setups / skins and repair you car, you'd at least need a real pit to repair...
putting in the advertising banners is a little better then the barriers they dont lets u fly 1000km up in the sky so easy

CityDriving / Cops&Robbers
(134 posts, started )