Here are the results, and admin decisions, of the first round. There have also been a few changes to the rules because of this round: these will be posted and explained in detail later.
Neither bonus was achieved (althought that was partly my fault for not putting the correct layout on, which had the bonus indicators on: I'll do that next time, I promise! :schwitz

but this didn't stop people getting some great point-scoring hits, with the double crossover takeout of 23 General Hybris and 13 Agtem by 808 Tim and 02 Wheeling in Race 2 being one of the best of the night. I also have to apologise to Tim YET AGAIN: you did not get the first kill of the season. That honour goes to 210 CelticFang, who punted 616 Jam over the hill's catchfence and practically out of the running in Race 1.
What usually happens in the DD League is that the final race of the day has the most amount of action, and this was demonstrated once more by Tim and 760 Ryano's insane wrecking antics, gaining them over 1000 points in that race alone! The last race also saw the 2 lowest scores ever, with 69 Reginald Molehusband and 740 KJD both achieving negative scores after they both received points deductions; 69 is the holder of the "worst score ever" record for the time being, after losing 220 points and returning to the garage, resulting in him ending up with -220 points. 740, on the other hand, is the holder of the "worst score ever without spectating" award, scoring 150 but losing 180 to end up with -30 points.
It was a newcomer 1-2 at the end of the round, with Ryano winning with 2770 points, just 75 points ahead of Tim in second. CelticFang and 76 Clyde both scored 2500 points, but both had won races so who would get 3rd place? The answer: CelticFang, for winning his race by just 25 points more than Clyde did when he won his race! Thanks to all sixteen drivers who showed up and raced. :thumb3d:
The League and Race Points Standings will be posted after Round 2.
Race 1
Race 2
Race 3
Race 4
Round (& League) Standings
Here are the actions taken by myself, Jon606, in result of the two incidents that partly ruined Race 4, involving 740 KJD (pandaboy) and 69 Reginald Molehusband (Robinm):
The first incident occurred shortly before the end of lap 1: after multiple collisions on the front straight, KJD was in last place and a fair pace off the rest of the field, which he would have most likely been able to make up. Shortly before Turn 2, he turned round and stopped for approximately 35 seconds before accelerating and going back the wrong way which he came from. He continued accelerating, hitting 110mph at the most, up the front straight the wrong way, spinning out 69 Reginald Molehusband and clipping 76 Clyde (LineR32) off the track. Thankfully, neither driver's race was ruined, and other drivers swerved out of the way when they saw the car approaching. After being told by myself that he was not allowed to do this, he raced up to the crossover and began repeatedly going around the wrong way, which resulted in him trying to pin 210 CelticFang (DieKolkrabe) against the red and white barrier just in front of the railway bridge. I then told him to stop doing this as he was being stupid, and he consequently did so and continued racing properly.
The second incident occured shortly after the end of lap 3: following a spin on him by 02 Wheeling on the front straight, 69 then decided to enter the pits to refuel his car as he did not notice that it was a 5 lap race, and he hadn't put enough fuel in his car to last the race. Upon realising what he was doing, I informed him to stay in the pit lane for the remainder of the race. This was met with a series of strong messages passed between myself and 69, which also had him return to the garage, thereby removing all of his gained points from that race. This discussion continued after the end of the round, although 69 did accept afterwards that it was his fault for not reading the race information.
Regarding the first incident: what KJD did was a very moronic thing to do, and to be perfectly honest I don't know what his motive was for doing this; was he trying to rack up more crash points? Was he trying to ruin the race for others by taking them out in an unfair manner? Was he attempting a revenge hit on the drivers that took him out at the start? Nobody else will know except for him, but whatever his motive was, blasting down the main straight in the wrong direction is an incredibly unsporting thing to do, even in DD racing!
Regarding the second incident: it is necessary to
completely read the race info that I send out to avoid a situation like this happening (also, as I have said numerous times now, it was my fault for not putting the correct layout on, allowing 69 to enter the pits). However, regarding the incorrect layout, I would have thought that most people would have interpreted closing the pits at one end as a note that the pits weren't open.
For these incidents, both 69 Reginald Molehusband and 740 KJD have received a 150 point deduction from their Race 4 score and a first formal warning. If either driver receives two more formal warnings, then that driver will be removed from the league, and all of their records will be erased.