The online racing simulator
#1 - Honey
Honey's Hi-Res Textures (Feel The Speed in your Blood)
in this thread you will find my reworked hi-res textures for LFS. For now i'm focusing on asphalt, but i plan to work also on curbs, grass and maybe everything else.

For asphalt i will always release both a "bright tarmac" version (resembling as much as possible the original LFS tarmac brightness) and a "dark tarmac" version so to match evryone's taste.

As attachment you can find some screenshots (first five for bright version, last two for dark version) to give you an idea, but i strongly recommend to try for yourself as the sense of speed those textures give, is stunning (IMO of course!).

Project is hosted on and you will find of course also source files. Project is under GNU Public License.

- released Blackwood & Aston Asphalt Textures 0.5.1 Alpha fixed (mapping quickfix)

Current Releases:
- Blackwood Asphalt Textures 0.5.1 Alpha fixed
- Aston Asphalt Textures 0.5.1 Alpha fixed

- backup your *.dds files of your original LFS (dds files are placed into the "data\dds" subfolder)
- to achieve the best looking results, perform a monitor calibration and set you "white point" at the highest value
- Unzip the zip file into your LFS folder.

New Features (not included into original LFS Textures):
- asphalt cracks
- tridimensional depth of asphalt border
- tire marks simulating an asphalt where cars has passed since many years
- low frequency changes of asphalt elevation simulating a non perfectly plain asphalt

- the bug into original LFS textures of mismatch of road paintings after the starting grid

Known Bugs:
all bugs contained into original LFS textures (except the previously mentioned one wich have been fixed)

Honey's Textures (hosted on sourceforge)

Attached images
Looks great 'Tis a shame you're using such beautiful high res textures with no Anti-Aliasing tho

Definate keeper, I'm downloading now
cant wait for this stuff for the other tracks
#4 - Honey
Quote from MAGGOT :Looks great 'Tis a shame you're using such beautiful high res textures with no Anti-Aliasing tho

Definate keeper, I'm downloading now

i'm glad you like them at first glance, i hope you'll enjoy...of course any feedback or improvement suggestion is well appreciated.
#5 - Honey
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :cant wait for this stuff for the other tracks

my previous idea was to release all tracks at once (except south city), but either i have to organize things to make all work most reusable as possible and either i want to make it even better, so with this "quite final" release i hope to get many feedbacks and hopefully some real photos as example to point out things to be refined.

maybe shortly i will release a blackwood version with the same quality -> blackwood has quite simple mappings, while aston has the most weird, unbelievable and crazy mappings ever seen
The Textures are amazing, but they lowered my FPS down to like 2. Can someone Zip or RAR the original's (,,

I was going to ask, as they are high res textures does it effect the frame rate much?

obviously effects dawes alot
#8 - Honey
Quote from anttt69 :I was going to ask, as they are high res textures does it effect the frame rate much?

obviously effects dawes alot

i've tested it even on a very low-end PC and frame rate isn't affected at all on any system, the only minimum requirement is RAM (512MB minimum), but from my tests if there's is not enough ram, lfs will crash at start, btw i will try to find out what's dawesdust problem

Quote from dawesdust_12 :The Textures are amazing, but they lowered my FPS down to like 2. Can someone Zip or RAR the original's (,,


can you tell me your system specs? how much ram do you have? what are you minimum and maximum settings for virtual memory of windows? have you tried enabling the "half texture size" option under LFS?

many people tried hi-res textures, either mine, either other people works and it seems you are the first person who raised this problem, hence i ask you to please give as much feedback if possible so that we can work it out and document a solution for whoever may encounter the same problem, thank you!

PS since you have forgot to backup the original files (as recemmonded in the installation instructions ) i've attached the original textures for you
Attached files
original_aston_asphalt_textures.rar - 584.4 KB - 592 views
#9 - Honey
for those who tried the "dark version", can you tell me please what you think? are they too dark? too bright? etc.

there is a mapping bug right before the pit exit i have no idea if that a "default problem" from lfs or if u made that
anyway heres the screenie
there are missing skidmarks and it acts like water (always moving :o)
Attached images
I believe that's LFS's fault

Nice textures Honey, clean and crisp. Keep up the good work
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :there is a mapping bug right before the pit exit i have no idea if that a "default problem" from lfs or if u made that
anyway heres the screenie
there are missing skidmarks and it acts like water (always moving :o)

the picture is not very clear however textures resistant to skidmark is an lfs code problem, i cannot do anithing with it, if you talk about the yellow paintings, i did the best i could, unfortunately it's mathematically impossibl to make it match for all the aston pits, i made to make it look less evident as possible (i'll try to do better anyway), also the "PITS" writing and the yellow lines around it are not textures so i couldnt edited them

thanks for the feedback anyway

Quote from Ryanry64 :
Nice textures Honey, clean and crisp. Keep up the good work

Its really odd, becuase these are the first hi-res textures that have caused problems, I usually use all the hi-res ones I can get, but this is the first ones that have caused problems. I have a feeling that it may be the AA and AF, but I'll try it again today, I typically get about 60FPS when I run LFS in normal priority, but I still got 3 FPS in high priority.
these textures for aston are wicked... a must keep for me... no probs at all
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Its really odd, becuase these are the first hi-res textures that have caused problems, I usually use all the hi-res ones I can get, but this is the first ones that have caused problems. I have a feeling that it may be the AA and AF, but I'll try it again today, I typically get about 60FPS when I run LFS in normal priority, but I still got 3 FPS in high priority.

i really think the only problem could be memory: how much RAM do you have? what are your windows virtual memory settings? wich windows flavour are you running?
i tested those textures on very low end systems but with enough ram and framerate was totally unaffected, so i guess you have too low memory free (too many apps, less than 512MB, etc.), so that windows keeps swapping like a mad (more than usual -> that's why i always disable virtual memory on windows...)
Quote from Xaid0n :these textures for aston are wicked... a must keep for me... no probs at all

i'm glad to hear it
I have more than sufficient ram, 1.5 GB and 256 of GFX memory, But I reinstalled it and its working fine now, I dunno why.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I have more than sufficient ram, 1.5 GB and 256 of GFX memory, But I reinstalled it and its working fine now, I dunno why.

it must have been some sort of typical computer macumba, i'm glad they are working flawless now
Its really odd seeing I didn't restart or anything, it just "worked"
Quote from dontsimon :Hi

I tried these textures and they are very crisp and do look great. But I do have an issue.

The default textures have a grainy, rough, worn tarmac look to them, which helps in giving the effect of actually moving along a track. These textures though are very smooth and uniform, and as such (for me) do not give as good a sense of the vehicle actually moving at speed along the track.

As I look down the track, the asphalt texture just seeems to blend almost into a 2d image, whereas the defaults give a better sense of depth perception. They need more variance and randomness in the grittiness of the texture, so that it looks like one long track, not a single texure being repeated. If that makes sense.

Part of this may well be my system, and this is just my opinion though. I'm not criticising. I wouldn't even know how to create textures. Just some positive feedback, okay. Keep up the good work.

first of all, don't worry: i need feedback! feel free even to say "hey, that's crap" -> i only ask to explain why so i may look deeper and improve this work you know the "eye of the beholder" will help me to keep to watch things from the right perspective, wich is difficult when you spend some time on one thing...said that, i tell you i'm quite surprised since i tried to focus mainly on the sense of speed! as you can see from the helicopter view screenshot there are subtle variations that at high speed should give s "stunning" (that was the purpose) effect, i know they are far to be perfect, but i feel a bit surprised since tire marks and elevation changes layers are 16% of the textures and adding more was giving aliasing (repetition effect), despite the fact that obviously it's all a matter of personal taste, maybe it could be that your monitor is far from a correct calibration or you use full AA/AF.
someone told me he had the problem of a "brownish look" and it turned to be an uncorrect monitor calibration, so maybe if you can try setting the highest value of the "white point" for you monitor and run a monitor calibration, that may help me understand better, thanks!

Quote from Xaid0n :I thought thay were fine, I prefer racing with these texs then any others

i confess was very happy when you defined "wicked textures" made me feel my work was appreciated
but as i said i always look for improvement
yes, i'm dead and, drunk
Quote from Honey :i'm glad you like them at first glance, i hope you'll enjoy...of course any feedback or improvement suggestion is well appreciated.


I tried these textures and they are very crisp and do look great. But I do have an issue.

The default textures have a grainy, rough, worn tarmac look to them, which helps in giving the effect of actually moving along a track. These textures though are very smooth and uniform, and as such (for me) do not give as good a sense of the vehicle actually moving at speed along the track.

As I look down the track, the asphalt texture just seeems to blend almost into a 2d image, whereas the defaults give a better sense of depth perception. They need more variance and randomness in the grittiness of the texture, so that it looks like one long track, not a single texure being repeated. If that makes sense.

Part of this may well be my system, and this is just my opinion though. I'm not criticising. I wouldn't even know how to create textures. Just some positive feedback, okay. Keep up the good work.
I thought thay were fine, I prefer racing with these texs then any others
hi guys, i want just to inform that i made a quick test of blackwood textures as i promised, so next week i promise i will find a day to finalise it and release it...keep in touch
New Blackwood Asphalt released!!!

c'mon guys, also demo people: give me feedback about this work...should i continue with all tracks? or should i completely restyle those textures? do you want a "dark" version for Blackwood too?
thanks in advance for any feedback

They are nice, but the BL GP asphalt is too similiar to the asphalt @ Aston ,imho P:
But otherwise, nice work !