I have been offered a system with the following specs and want to know if it would work for gaming (mainly LFS, rF, Race07) as well since it isn't based on desktop technology.
Price isn't a issue here because the whole system will cost under €500 so I don't care that Xeon processors or Xeon ready mainboards are more expensive than the unsual desktop/gaming PCs.
System specs that I know are:
Intel 5000X chipset
Intel Xeon Dual Core 5160 @3000mhz 4MB cache
1 TB Samsung SpinPoint F3 hard drive
Gigabyte GeForce 560 GTX 1GB
Win7 home
From what I know the Xeon proceccors should be a little more reliable and moch more expensive but shouldn't affect gaming in a negative way but I'm not sure if I should go for the offer.
Any thoughts on this?
I have been offered a system with the following specs and want to know if it would work for gaming (mainly LFS, rF, Race07) as well since it isn't based on desktop technology.
Price isn't a issue here because the whole system will cost under €500 so I don't care that Xeon processors or Xeon ready mainboards are more expensive than the unsual desktop/gaming PCs.
System specs that I know are:
Intel 5000X chipset
Intel Xeon Dual Core 5160 @3000mhz 4MB cache
1 TB Samsung SpinPoint F3 hard drive
Gigabyte GeForce 560 GTX 1GB
Win7 home
From what I know the Xeon proceccors should be a little more reliable and moch more expensive but shouldn't affect gaming in a negative way but I'm not sure if I should go for the offer.
Any thoughts on this?