Pvp??? Can you write something more. If we start pvp , map must be limited to 1k x 1k , because other way it will be no fun and to big..
Plugins needed for pvp: -economy (trading)
- Warps (possibility to set min 5 warp points)
- Death kick (when u die , you get kicked and cant rejoined one min so theres no fight advantage )
- Safe spawn (spawn area like 50x50 and not possible to make damage in that area)
- remove chest locking , cuz thats the main point of pvp to hide ur shit.
- no lvt command , thats just dont fit pvp , night is the best time to hunt ppl
- Player tracker ( thats like most awesome plugin i ever seen , it works like a compas for tracking ppl down, very hard to use , but realy epic
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ... p;feature=player_embedded)
If you fit all those , we can have EPIC pvp server with even 5 or less ppl.
@uke pls stfu if u have no idea what ur talking. i been playing on proper pvp server for like a month now , where theres always 50+ ppl online and they have map locked to 10k*10k and it works like a charm, so on boosted server perfect solution would be to lock it 1k*1k that way even if theres 4 ppl on server we can still have nice pvp adventure imo. And thats a must because with open map, one can go out to 15k from spawn and noone will ever found him there , even with tracker.
Btw im excited for this, if it will work im sure back on server on regular base

And tnx boosted for giving a chance to pvp mc , but we must make it proper so plsss try find those plugins.:P
IMO this is the most exciting way to play mc. And sry for so much edits , couldnt remember all at once-.-