The online racing simulator
TNX, defenitely interesting for a lot of track-designers!
the open configurations cause a massive fps drop. by principle, i don't think i'll ever race them.
(Silverracer) DELETED by Silverracer
Well now that we've finalised 40 open config layouts, half of which are supported by Airio, it's now easier for server owners to take the pack and load a layout knowing it can save PBs, other Airio functions will work, and that the layout is made to a high standard
EVERY layout I end up with like 10FPS and it's just not fun. Maybe someone needs to cut the track up and stop this or else it's never really going to kick off and racing there is going to be poor! I hate turning down my GPU just to race these. Even then it don't fix the FPS!!!

I'm sure there are wizards out there that can snip the track up to help us all with the FPS issue???
Well I can get 20-80 fps in open configurations (depends on what I'm facing - if I face whole track,I get those ~20-25fps,rest is quite smooth) with a cheap in-built grafics card (whole mainboard was less then 50 euros) without lowering resolution (ok,almost everything else is on minimum settings). So mainly no problems for me with my low-end PC...
Quote from peterules :I think we should ditch these open configs, EVERY layout I end up with like 10FPS and it's just not fun. Maybe someone needs to cut the track up and stop this or else it's never really going to kick off and racing there is going to be poor! I hate turning down my GPU just to race these. Even then it don't fix the FPS!!!

I'm sure there are wizards out there that can snip the track up to help us all with the FPS issue???

Yeah, let's close down all new tracks and open layouts and go back to moaning about S3 and new content instead !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...Which i've never done :P

It would be good if they could just snip the other unused parts of these new layouts to help though!

BTW New tracks? where? :lol:
And yea, let's close down the tracks because people with low end machines cannot get more than 10 FPS. Misery.
lol! Yeah low end... Nice to know you know what setup I have without me even telling you! - I'd appreciate this weeks lotto numbers if you can predict that also

It's a bit bad when the commodore 64 graphics are better than open configs settings...

The OP's question was why it hasn't kicked off, so i'm telling you MY answer! Why try to flame me?
If my 2Ghz C2D, 3GB RAM and 512mb NVIDIA 105M graphics can cope with it then so should yours...
Exactly! but it doesn't... Maybe i've just got used to having the graphics set to full everything and refuse to turn everything down to minimum just so race these configs

Oh well, I shall crawl back into my own little corner now
Quote from peterules :Exactly! but it doesn't... Maybe i've just got used to having the graphics set to full everything and refuse to turn everything down to minimum just so race these configs

And that's our problem how?
I never said it was... This is exactly why i try to avoid this forum.

All i'm trying to point out for the 3rd time now is that it's pointless having to load the full track IE. Aston/Kyoto. When your only using only a few of the roads. By the looks of it, i'm not the only one that suffers with bad FPS and there needs to be a solution to it!...

We already have names for these configs IE A12/KY32 etc, so why can't we maximise the potential of these new layouts and cut out the bits we don't use? Not only would it help people understand the layout but would help us people with "mid-range" pc's cope with it
(Silverracer) DELETED by Silverracer
Quote from peterules :I never said it was... This is exactly why i try to avoid this forum.

All i'm trying to point out for the 3rd time now is that it's pointless having to load the full track IE. Aston/Kyoto. When your only using only a few of the roads. By the looks of it, i'm not the only one that suffers with bad FPS and there needs to be a solution to it!...

We already have names for these configs IE A12/KY32 etc, so why can't we maximise the potential of these new layouts and cut out the bits we don't use? Not only would it help people understand the layout but would help us people with "mid-range" pc's cope with it

But you said your PC was not mid range. You actually said it was maxed out, and that you don't feel like turning the graphics down slightly, which is barely noticable, if at all.

If people with "mid-range" pc's had problems, we would have constant complaints. Scawen would have to make all of our "open track configs" into real configurations so he could then optimize it like we have our normal tracks. Waste of time if you ask me.

"This is why I never come to this forum".
Sorry that we don't allow you to be selfish.
I'm not getting anywhere with people skim-reading.

Carry on with what you do best! Bye
Quote from peterules :I'm not getting anywhere with people skim-reading.

Carry on with what you do best! Bye

Well at least this post is short enough not to. Cya!
L o L
Pete, you have an issue with your pc and LFS. With your setup, it should not be as bad as that. Post your rig in here and maybe someone can help
Quote from Racon :Something like this?

Mine It uses both Kyoto long gp and kyoto national with a small part of oval
Side note. Have many object becuase i'be place all the safety measrues of cargame from Kyoto gp long and national


Tested that layout and was really cool, took 5 minutes on a lx4
Attached files
KY3X_KY05.lyt - 3 KB - 204 views
Quote :Biggest complain of most racers: There is no racing line!

please tell me were not talking about the green and red line that tells people where to brake, turn and such!
on the current topic i think somone chopping up the open configs would me brilliant! its ok if there's about 8 or less people in the race but if it gets above that i'm driving the whole race in the barrier with an fps of about 8-14...
Great racing............
Love the the x/y layouts, especially ky33, reminiscent of old F1 tracks. Great flow. Watched an Ascot open layout where FOX was racing down a long straight with mild esses and up the hill then racing down the hill coming to a hard right. I was amazed watching them racing three abreast, the good drivers yielding to those that had the racing line. I also found it amusing that the back 50% in field of 30-40 drivers were crashing on the straightaway. Most crashes occurred because drivers would not yield when they saw a front wheel come into their view. As for the racing line, that's what separates the men from the boys. Learn the course, see the apex.
Slow framerate............
No problem in a field of 30-40 drivers. I'm running a q6700, 865pe with an HD3850 agp card and 2G memory, full detail. Loadup is slower, 25% cpu usage, but smooth as silk thereafter.
Loads of people racing with 8x AA without even knowing that by themselves.

Experienced that multiple times at first hand now. Knowledge of graphic settings is pretty low. If your FPS drops below 30 in non cruise mode, you should get auto spectated.