New Driver Game!
(117 posts, started )
yes just please remake the 1. in hd or just make it run on new pc`s
Put a bit too much "new" into something "old".

Driver 1 was by far the most fun I had in a car game like that. No idea why they are running away from that idea.

"We can do this, so lets do it".
Quote from Vinnylegends :Yes! Those bridge ramps in Miami were just epic!

Add the Stilts cheat for more difficulty on the landing and the glitch where when you ram or land on a car's roof or underside, you go into spaaaaaaace.

Although i found SF's hills more fun
Hmm a 69 charger and a 68 mustang, in San Francisco. You know what this means?

Don't forget special missions unlocked by movie tokens hidden around sf that are reenactments of famous tv/movie car chases so there might be the bullit chase somewhere in there
Edit: Interesting...
Quote from oli17 :ashes to ashes or life on mars anyone?

Dallas anyone - older than a-still-good-pint-of-milk?
Quote from e2mustang :yes just please remake the 1. in hd or just make it run on new pc`s

Gameloft remade some graphics and released the original Driver game for iOS (iPhone/iPod touch).

It's a must for fans of the game!
Guys, a demo has been released on xbl, don't think psn has it yet but go check it out. It's got 3 missions, 1 cop chase, 1 team race and some mission that requires you to execute stunts. Multiplayer demo is also coming out next week apparently
#85 - JJ72
I think it's fun. Forget about the heritage and it is a very innovative game or automotive carnage, the sheer amount of car variety and busy traffic makes it be best open world racer at the moment imo.
I guess it's weird if I ask where the **** a PC demo is?
All part of Ubi's plan to abandon the PC market.
but than they wouldnt even make games for pc
The shift isn't actually too bad. Quite fun infact.
I checked it and it's now released for PSN
Weird, on an IGN interview on youtube they said that the demo was going to be available on the 17th of this month
Tried the demo, and I have to say it's actually quite good. The cars have a weight to them and handling is quite challenging, and the "shift" (as in warp into different persons, not shifting gears) mechanic, while utterly bollocks, is quite well played. Especially in the first mission, where you have to convince your partner that you can do it by taking control of a speeder in an Alpha Romeo 8C competizione.
Especially the dialoguie between the speeder and his passenger are hilarious, as Tanner shifts in and out several times.

The second mission is a pretty straight forward race, except that you have to place 1st AND 2nd with a new Camaro and a Nissan GTR. So you're pretty much drafting yourself in turns, which make this quite challenging.

The last mision ahs you "infiltrate" a getaway driver, where you have to dodge the cops on a timelimit.
The cops are quite hard to lose, and just like in the good olden times, you have one timer for both losing the cops and getting to your destination.

My gripes:
There are no cops in the demo outside of scripted chase starts. Hopefully that's not true for the full version, because both the most fun and frustrating memories of the original driver are having to stick to the speed limit and lights NOT to alert cops while still trying to be on time.

Conclusively, I won't buy it, but it's far better than the last entry of the series.
One funny quote after shifting:
Woman: I'm so sorry sis!
Tanner: For what?
Woman: Weren't you listening? I slept with your boy friend!

Also, I'm sure that the "jackass" car is a Pontiac Solstice?
Ubi delay PC version for a month...

I wouldn't be amazed if they delay AC Revalations next either.
Quote from speed1230 :

Also, I'm sure that the "jackass" car is a Pontiac Solstice?

It is, the "jackass" is the one driving it.

I found the demo very uninspiring. Not much going for it at all, really. Car handling is decent, but the environment seems dull, and the shift thing is about the best immersion killer they could have thought of for what is essentially a car chase game.
Quote from DieKolkrabe :Ubi delay PC version for a month...

I wouldn't be amazed if they delay AC Revalations next either.

The reason for this is that they want to screw the PC users. They earn more on the consolls, and then want to milk them first before letting a crappy - portet - shitfest beeing handed over to the poor PC users :/

I want to test out this game, but I am one of those misserable ****s that don't own a consolle, and never will (not unless they get awesome). I want the PC versions due to the more options you have, both in editing / moding, but also support / patches / community and more.

Did you also notice that the PC version will have the "nice" security feature that forces the users to be connected to the internett 24/7, even in singleplayer?

Conclusion is: Screw that shitfest, I'm going torrent. If they canot trust the avarage gamers, and generally wants to **** us over, then let them have it, they don't get my money.

I have no problem with internet registration, or even if it had to be a day-check-in or whatnot, but there is many reasons why I canot allow / actually is able to be connected to the internet all the time I want to play the sinleplayer.
I actually think the shift feature looks cool, along with the rest of the game but definitely won't get it. The stupid always on drm is a killer by itself, as well as the fact that they obviously have no respect for pc users. Sad sad.... I was so excited watching the previews.
Quote from The Very End :The reason for this is that they want to screw the PC users. They earn more on the consolls, and then want to milk them first before letting a crappy - portet - shitfest beeing handed over to the poor PC users :/
Conclusion is: Screw that shitfest, I'm going torrent. If they canot trust the avarage gamers, and generally wants to **** us over, then let them have it, they don't get my money.

hundreds of thousands of PC gamers don't pay for games, they steal them and then mod and hack them. No wonder developers don't want to make PC games. You probably would have gone torrent anyway.
Quote from flymike91 :hundreds of thousands of PC gamers don't pay for games, they steal them and then mod and hack them. No wonder developers don't want to make PC games. You probably would have gone torrent anyway.

What the industri does not understand is that the way they are doing the anti-piracy is wrong. The ones that want to torrent the games, will do, but the honest gamers are getting punished. Most of the games that have internet protection is allready cracked, so the system does not work.

And yes, I would have bought the game the legal way if it were not for this. I played both driver 1 and 2 to bits, I absolutely loved every second of it. I am a die hard fan of the Driver games, but back in the good old days I felt like... well I felt like I got a good product I payed for, and that I there were flexibility to it usage.

Edit: Also MOD / hacking games is not a bad thing, it can contribute to a community and lenghten the life-span of a game. I am not talking about cracking, but creating things, making smart sollutions to make the game even better.
Look on the Command and Conquor games, Stunt Driver, Carmageddon, Warcraft etc etc, there are many mod/hacks/programs that are not harmfull, but that helps the game.

New Driver Game!
(117 posts, started )