The online racing simulator
Anyone Play......[Wolfenstein Enemy Territory?]
Anyone play Wolfenstein Enemy Territory? I know this thread is kinda pointless but i'm just wondering beucase i play WET lots.
sure do.
for over 4 years by now.
#3 - TiJay
Everyone plays ET on and off, it just plays sooo well even by today's standards.
I used to. Maybe I shall download it once more!
I play with some real life friends occasionally on "The Phreakz" server.
I couldn't stand ET, it was so... unfinished feeling. Hence why I went and bought ET:QW which is atleast playable.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I couldn't stand ET, it was so... unfinished feeling. Hence why I went and bought ET:QW which is atleast playable.

lmao its the exact opposite for me.
ETQW is a complete mess and doesnt deserve the title "enemy territory".
i bet u played it back when there was only many nice mods there these days.
i played it for a while. but after few days of playing i got pissed off pecause the teamkillers who wanted all the xp
#9 - Fuse5
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :lmao its the exact opposite for me.
ETQW is a complete mess and doesnt deserve the title "enemy territory".

i bet u played it back when there was only many nice mods there these days.

Very true.
ETQW just lacks the rapid gameplay, so it is not much of an ET any more.
The mods rock. JayMod and NQ are my absolute favorites.
So yea, been playin it for atleast 4 years, same with my brother, he still plays it, while I'm doing some LFS as well.
Ok sorry for the late reply i tottaly forgot about this thread i made lol. well there are lots of people that play or played Wolfenstein Enemy Territory and since there is so many mods has anybody tried or have the True Combat Elite mod? True Combat Elite (TEC as i call it) is a full conversion mod that is still in the making but it takes the whole game and maks every thing modern so your running around with M19, M4's, AK 47's, and other sweet weapons and i am addicted to the mod but the only probiblem is there is only like 2 servers that are alwyas populated but thats ok becuase they usualy have around 25 people on them and the other problem is that well there isn't many maps yet but people are making more slowly! the website for the mod is that website isn't the main website for the mod cause the main website is down and the devs aren't putting it back up but that website will give you most of the info
A classic games, everyone who has any interest in computer games should play it (should already have played).

Only thing I didn't like about it was the downloading of stuff on my not the fastest connection and ugly mods.

Otherwise, a brilliant game.
My clan got to 10 in aus. Loved it. Don't play anymore tho
yeah i used to play it, had a clan. Was a beast in a sniper might get it again just to remember good old days
used to play this religiously but yeah will find my back-up and give it a bash again....

battery map FTW !!!!.

i found myself digging this up again, seeing as my atom can't play many FPS games... does anyone still play it? i know quakewars has been out for a while, but from what i've heard it wasn't that great.

on the topic of true combat and urban terror being ported to ET, i can't say i liked them as much as i did the original q3 mods. perhaps they've gotten better since i tried them last, but they didn't have the same feel as they used to.
havent played lately, but still got it installed.
hit me up when u wanna play a bit.
My intrest in this game died when team hive(and their superb servers) went idle...Havent played it years since then. Probably install it in the sake of old times when i get my pc fixed.
I nostalgia'd
#19 - PoVo
Played it for a few weeks a couple of years ago.

It was okay, but I didn't get hooked on it at much as I got hooked on Counter Strike 1.6