The online racing simulator
Quote from NordicFox7 :and preview in game, takes a bit longer

The CMX viewer really aids skinning, do try it out...
Quote from Silverracer :The CMX viewer really aids skinning, do try it out...

I guess I could give it a go...
Quote from NordicFox7 :I guess I could give it a go...

You'll never go back

On the top right of the screen, you can choose different angles direct view top, left,...

You also can choose a free cam mode (on the lower right corner)

With space bar you can blend the controls out, btw.
Thanks to all for your input, mucho appreciated !

I have tried probably about 30 times to line that thing up ! lol
I'm definitely open to seeing anything you can come up with !
I do use the cmx viewer, and tried lining things up with the wireframe layer

Either I'm incompetent, or way out of my depth lol
I did the simplest possible lining up, which I must admit ain't that good. The feather is now "in line" but only looks good in side view, I've found designs like these quite hard to get right to the "steppy" surface of the fbm engine cover + side pods. Anyways, here's what I came up with.
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looks alot sleaker
Mate, thats exactly what I was trying to achieve. I thank you so much for your help, it's really appreciated. If I see ya on server sometime I'll be sure to offer you a reacharound ! haha

On a serious note, you have made me a very happy man.
Rockstar me.
Ralliart Mitsubishi Starion
try to cut the logo in two parts. The higher part should be cutted above of the Castrolfont. And the res should be on the frontview of th skinfile.
Yeah i now i tried i failed i will try again today and i hope i am going to succeed!
No i cant do it! I cant join logo in the right place! Help please!
If you've got both your skinning program (photoshop/GIMP) open and LFS CMX Viewer open with the skin loaded at the same time you should be able to get the logos on with several attempts.

First do the top part of the sticker, save it. Load the skin on CMW Viewer to see if it loos ok. If not, readjust the skin and save. Reload on viewer. Once the top part is done - go for the bottom bit. Good luck!

The rest of the skin look pretty nice - good job!
It is very hard to lap a circular logo across that part of the skin as the front and top of the car are stretched differently, so getting it to line up and still remain circular takes a lot of rotating, scaling, lining up. as Silver said just keep at it and you'll get there.
I work with GIMP and CMX viewer i get the top part to look nice but cant get bottom part in the right angle and stretched it right!
Skin suck or can anything do about this?
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XFG_New2011.rar - 651.4 KB - 609 views
Quote from Alex163Alex :Skin suck or can anything do about this?

I quite like it, you should continue working!
I have this one unfinished. Can someone do it? I'll provide the psd and all the necessary decals
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Screenshot (276).png
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XFR HYUNDAI WRC.rar - 3.8 MB - 923 views
I have worked on this skin, and the result for me isn't that satisfying.. Anyways I'm coming here to know how it can be improved...

BTW there is an image with all the sponsors I used for this car...;:

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USR Preview.JPG
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My First custom skin