The online racing simulator
First InSim move
(48 posts, started )
First InSim move
Hello. This year I finish high school and I got the title of technician for computer. I studied programming for 4 years (Pascal, C, C++ and C#) and I want to make my first Insim aplication that should make server statistics. (For each player: Top speed at diferent track, total laps, laps on each track... One file for each player). I read a bit about it on the forum and I was able to connect to server but still unable to manage with statistics. Help me to make first insim moves. Thank you very much

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using InSimDotNet;
using InSimDotNet.Packets;

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

// Create new InSim object
InSim insim = new InSim();

// Initailize InSim
insim.Initialize(new InSimSettings {
Host = "", // Host where LFS is runing
Port = 29999, // Port to connect to LFS through
Admin = "xxx", // Optional game admin password

// Send message to LFS
insim.Send("/msg Hello, InSim!");


You should read the InSim.txt file shipped with LFS. It's basically a C header file and it describes in detail all the packets used by InSim. This file itself shoud provide you with enough info.

You'll have a bit of a hard time getting telemetry readings for InSim. InSim is more oriented at automated server administration and race control. To get some real telemetry data you'd have to use OutGauge/OutSim, but that has its own limitations too. InSim provides only basic info like speed, position and heading in CompCar structure in IS_MCI packet.
I continued my work... and now have problem... want to make commands like $exit... I talked with EQWorry and he said that i need to define $ as special char. How to do that? Then $exit would be a special text and LFS will report it as such
You've got to specify prefix to use commands starting with specific characters. Something like this:

//Initailize InSim
insim.Initialize(new InSimSettings {
Host = "",
Port = 29999,
Prefix = '$',

Ok... I do that...

insim.Initialize(new InSimSettings
Host = "",
Port = 29999,
Admin = "",

static void MessageOut(InSim insim, IS_MSO mso)
// Print out the message content.
string a;

if (a=="$exit")
insim.Send("/msg OK");

And this not working... I guees that problem is in second code.
I'm not entirely sure about this at the moment, but I guess that LFS truncates the prefix so the message your app receives is just "exit".
Withaout $ same think... Maybe I need to remove first part of message, (for example SERT•Fangio: $exit)
Or you could do

insim.Send("/msg OK");

It doesn't truncate the prefix, it's probably the player's name, as was stated. I normally do something like this:

if (mso.UserType == UserType.MSO_PREFIX) {
commands mso.Msg.Substring(mso.TextStart).Split();

    if (
commands.Any()) {
command commands.First().ToLower();

        switch (
command) {
// Handle command

Both ways works ok... Another question... How to send message just to one player... I can not figure out
You use the IS_MTC (message to connection) packet:

insim.Send(new IS_MTC { UCID = ucid, PLID = plid, Msg = "Hello, InSim!" });

But InSim.NET contains a couple of little convenience method for doing it.

To send a message to a specific connection:

insim.Send(ucid, "Hello, InSim!");

Or to send to a specific player:

insim.Send(0, plid, "Hello, InSim!");

This has helped a lot... What about buttons. I guess starting like this
insim.Send(new IS_BTN....

static void newconnection(InSim insim, IS_NCN ncn)
insim.Send(ncn.UCID,"^7Dobro dosao na server");
IS_BTN btn = new IS_BTN();
btn.H = 100;
btn.L = 100;
btn.T = 100;
btn.Text = "OKKK";
btn.UCID = ncn.UCID;
btn.W = 100;
btn.ClickID = 5;
btn.ReqI = 245;
btn.BStyle = ButtonStyles.ISB_CLICK;
static void deletebutton(InSim insim, IS_BTC btc)
IS_BFN bfn=new IS_BFN();
bfn.ClickID = btc.ClickID;
bfn.ReqI = btc.ReqI;


I want to delete button, where i am wrong
You're not telling LFS what do to in the IS_BFN packet. You have to specify the SubT to tell LFS that you want to delete a button. Also the ReqI is supposed to be 0, but I guess LFS wouldn't mind about that.
Is there shorter way to sending buttons?
No, buttons are bit too varied to simplify into a couple of method calls. Maybe I'll think about adding something to help with them in the future.

The only thing different I would do is to send them like this, as I think this looks a lot neater. But it's just a preference thing.

insim.Send(new IS_BTN {
H = 100,
L = 100,
T = 100,
W = 100,
Text = "OKKK",
UCID = ncn.UCID,
ClickID = 5,
ReqI = 245,
BStyle = ButtonStyles.ISB_CLICK


static void MessageOut(InSim insim, IS_MSO mso)
// Print out the message content.

if (mso.UserType == UserType.MSO_PREFIX)
var commands = mso.Msg.Substring(mso.TextStart).Split();

if (commands.Any())
var command = commands.First().ToLower();

switch (command)
case "!exit":

insim.Send("/msg ^3Program se gasi!");

I use this function for commands. I want to limit who can use this command. Think that I need to use PLID, but how PLID to connect with username? And how to send two or more flags in InSim setting vecause I want car contact reports and i need to set ISF_CON flag in the IS_ISI to receive car contact reports
insim.Initialize(new InSimSettings
Host = "",
Port = 29999,
Admin = "",
Flags = InSimFlags.ISF_MCI,

Interval = 1000, // The interval at which updates are sent (milliseconds)


Now you are getting into more complicated things. You have to add "directories" and add each player at NCN(NewConnection), CNL(ConnectionLeave) packets.

class Connections//Somewhere at the top of your code
public byte UCID;
public string UName;
public string PName;
public bool IsAdmin;

//Before "insim.Initialize(new InSimSettings blablabla"

//Add these anywhere you want
private void OnConnectionJoin(InSim insim, IS_NCN NCN)
_connections.Add(NCN.UCID, new Connections
UName = NCN.UName,
PName = NCN.PName,
IsAdmin = NCN.Admin,
catch (Exception EX) { LogTextToFile("packetError", "NCN - " + EX.Message); }

private void OnConnectionLeave(InSim insim, IS_CNL CNL)
try { _connections.Remove(CNL.UCID); }
catch (Exception EX) { LogTextToFile("packetError", "CNL - " + EX.Message); }

LogTextToFile is a function i made to log text "type"(packetError in this case) to a file. PM me if you want it. You can just replace it for now to add the error to a richtextbox(just an example)

I forgot about flags. You can use more than one by using |
Example: Flags = InSimFlags.ISF_MCI | InSimFlags.ISF_MSO_COLS,

Here is an example at MSO on how to use first code in case you don't know

case "!ialwaysforget":

insim.Send("/msg ^3" + _connections[mso.UCID].PName + " always forget his username which is " + _connections[mso.UCID].UName);

I get this error "The name '_connections' does not exist in the current context"
How to connect PLID and PlayerName? I have PLID in car contact, but i want player name. And yes, send me code for logging. Thank you very much

Edit: Also need code for reading config files if you have?
I forgot to tell that after creating the class you will need to create the dictionary

private Dictionary<byte, Connections> _connections = new Dictionary<byte, Connections>();

About PLID you will have to do the same as UCID but with different packets, NPL and PLL.


const string SaveDataFolder = "files";

private void LogTextToFile(string file, string text, bool AdminMessage = true)
//Console.WriteLine(file + ": {0}", text); You dont need this one as you use form application.

if (AdminMessage == true) MessageToAdmins("There was a " + file + " : " + text);

if (System.IO.File.Exists(SaveDataFolder + "/" + file + ".log") == false) { FileStream CurrentFile = System.IO.File.Create(SaveDataFolder + "/" + file + ".log"); CurrentFile.Close(); }

StreamReader TextTempData = new StreamReader(SaveDataFolder + "/"+ file + ".log");
string TempText = TextTempData.ReadToEnd();

StreamWriter TextData = new StreamWriter(SaveDataFolder + "/" + file + ".log");
TextData.WriteLine(TempText + DateTime.Now + ": " + text);

And MessageToAdmins which is used by LogTextToFile

private void MessageToAdmins(string Message)
foreach (var CurrentConnection in _connections.Values)
if (CurrentConnection.IsAdmin == true) MessageToUCID(CurrentConnection.UCID, Message);

You have to declare the _connections (or whatever you name it) variable first. InSim doesn't provide any PLID - UCID - Name matching, you've got to do this yourself. InSim.NET probably has some classes and functions to make the job easier...
now I get this error "An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'ConsoleApplication1.Program._connections'

namespace ConsoleApplication1

class Connections//Somewhere at the top of your code
public byte UCID;
public string UName;
public string PName;
public bool IsAdmin;

class Program
private Dictionary<byte, Connections> _connections = new Dictionary<byte, Connections>();
static void Main()

static void OnConnectionLeave(InSim insim, IS_CNL cnl)
try { _connections.Remove(cnl.UCID); }

catch (Exception EX) { };

static void Novakonekcija(InSim insim, IS_NCN ncn)

_connections.Add(ncn.UCID, new Connections
UCID = ncn.UCID,
UName = ncn.UName,
PName = ncn.PName,
IsAdmin = ncn.Admin,
catch (Exception EX) { }

You're accessing _connections from a static function which requires _connections to be declared as static too (if C# is anything like C++ or Java).
Ok. I fix that but I have trouble with PLID and Pname
This is for car contact
static void Kontakt(InSim insim, IS_CON con)

insim.Send("/msg " + _connections[con.A.PLID].PName);
insim.Send("/msg "+_connections[con.B.PLID].PName);

This is race joining
static void PrikljucenjeTrci(InSim insim, IS_NPL npl)
insim.Send("/msg "+npl.PName+" ^8je izasao sa "+npl.CName);
_connections.Add(npl.UCID, new Connections
PLID = npl.PLID,
catch { }

When there is car contact insim disconects from server. Can I use one class sonnections for everything or I need to separate?
Here is my npl and pll and cpr a bit modified for you. You will have to bind and create dictionary/class for this to work. But this is how packets are.

private void OnPlayerJoin(InSim insim, IS_NPL NPL)
if (_players.ContainsKey(NPL.PLID))
// Leaving pits, just update NPL object.
_players[NPL.PLID].PName = NPL.PName;
// Add new player.
_players.Add(NPL.PLID, new Players
PName = NPL.PName
catch (Exception EX) {}

private void OnPlayerSpectate(InSim insim, IS_PLL PLL)
try { _players.Remove(PLL.PLID); }
catch (Exception EX) {}

private void OnPlayerRename(InSim insim, IS_CPR CPR)
_connections[CPR.UCID].PName = CPR.PName;
foreach (var CurrentPlayer in _players.Values) if (CurrentPlayer.UCID == CPR.UCID) CurrentPlayer.PName = CPR.PName;
catch (Exception EX) {}

Im sure "takeover" packet is needed too. But haven't managed(tested yet) on how to do it. Someone could help here for this too.

Anyway, usage of the code

_players[con.A.PLID].PName//This is the player name.

(M.M.L.) DELETED by M.M.L.

First InSim move
(48 posts, started )