#1 - Davo
LFS freezes, sound loops, hard reset
I've searched the forum and nothing on this. LFS just freezes, the sound sounds like it's in a loop. Happened to me just now. Has happened a few times and now my player file is corrupt and can not be loaded and all default settings have been restored. Also my setup is not loading

Anyone know why this is happening? It gets annoying when racing in league races and bam, freeze.

This is a fresh lfs install of 0.6B because it stated happening with my old install full of mods and revolutions packs. The only thing different is aonio is also running, but I think it's happened with aonio off also.

Sorry somehow posted in wrong section, mods please move to Technical section.
#2 - troy
Sounds like you PC is overheating, did you check your CPU/GPU temperatures already?
#3 - Davo
How do I check gpu temps? cpu temps are fine.. Is there a file I can delete to free up my player?
#4 - amp88
Quote from Davo :How do I check gpu temps? cpu temps are fine

Speccy or HWMonitor should display GPU temperatures. If it's not a temperature issue it could be another hardware issue (such as faulty CPU/memory/motherboard/PSU). You can test CPU stability using Prime95, memory stability using Memtest86+ and both CPU and memory using LinX.

On the issue of corrupted files, I'm not sure how they were corrupted (unless they were being written to or possibly open at the time of the crash(es)). Have you tried creating a second LFS installation and copying across files like your skins and setups?
#5 - Davo
OK running linx now, cpu temps peak at 60c for a Q9450 @ stock. No errors so far after 7 minutes.

gpu temp is at 68c, fan is at 60% for a 8800gts 320mb.. with 0% load on the gpu.

Anything else I should check? A mate is reporting the same type of crashing even when not running aonio, I thought it could be aonio related but its not.

Well I was using the setup and the player file at time of crash so they got corrupted, now I need to find the right files so I can delete them.
#6 - Racon
This happens when LFS can't keep up with everything that's going on. Overheating is only the cause of that if there's nothing much else running - If you've turned off anything processor-heavy, then check for automated things like anti-viruses scanning, folders being compressed, pointless defragging, updates for software you never use etc. Aonio is fine - it's ultra lightweight and awesome

If I'm ever still racing at 4 in the morning, I get exactly the same as my AV kicks in - freeze, loop, quit, oh look - AV, pause scan, LFS, race again
#7 - Davo
It's not an AV thing, this pc has none of that and is behind a firewall and everything etc.... I can not just alt-tab, the computer needs a hard reset. It's not a memory or cpu thing either, with linx running I can play a replay fine although very choppy since all processing is done by linx.

This has only happened since 0.6B, didn't happen before that...
It is odd. I started getting that as well when i was playing where i needed to hard reset, but it was probably faulty files considering i had that install for maybe a year or 2. The weird thing is that is only happened in LFS but not in any modern games.
#9 - Racon
Quote from Davo :I can not just alt-tab, the computer needs a hard reset.

How long do you wait before a hard reset? I used to hard reset, then I noticed that it did unfreeze if I left it long enough. Sometimes a minute, sometimes 10 :/
Corruption is usually a drive or a memory issue.
Temps seem fine.
Run memtestx86 / chkdsk also.

One thing you havent mentioned if its Just LFS that this is happening with.
#11 - Davo
Quote from Racon :How long do you wait before a hard reset? I used to hard reset, then I noticed that it did unfreeze if I left it long enough. Sometimes a minute, sometimes 10 :/

I'm not going to risk my pc in a crash loop for a minute or 10

Quote from Gener_AL (UK) :Corruption is usually a drive or a memory issue.
Temps seem fine.
Run memtestx86 / chkdsk also.

One thing you havent mentioned if its Just LFS that this is happening with.

I think the reboot during accessing the files that contained my player info and setup would've corrupted them.

Yes just lfs, I don't play any other games. Running win 7 x64 if it helps.

Anyone have any idea on player files I can delete?

Found it, it's in the misc folder...
I prefer Intel Burn Test to test my CPU and RAM stability. Close as much apps as possible and set it to use all available RAM. To obtain really reliable results, you have to let it run for some time, letting to loop for 10 times should be enough. It takes some time to finish (approx 45 mins, depends on how much loops you tell it to do) and your PC will not be usable for the duration of the test, so grab some snack and let it run. There's also no progress bar, it'll only print some numbers once a loop is finished.
If the test completes fine, it's possible your GPU is overheating. If you get a hard freeze with no error message or BSOD, I think it's a likely possibility. I know it's cliché, but are you sure you have all drivers up to date?
#13 - Davo
I'll try that Intel app.. thanks.
My GPU could be the problem, it is getting old... I'm using 280.26 drivers which I just updated last week. This has happened with new and old drivers.
So you still don't know if your GPU is heating up or not ?

Use this tool: http://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/

...set it on logging temps to a file and then give your GPU some heavy stuff to do...

After your pc crashed open the logfile and see in what direction the temps developed.
Quote from Davo :I'm not going to risk my pc in a crash loop for a minute or 10

Mine hasn't exploded yet...

Seriously though, I hope you figure it out soon - it ain't much fun when it happens
#16 - Davo
Quote from rediske :So you still don't know if your GPU is heating up or not ?

Use this tool: http://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/

...set it on logging temps to a file and then give your GPU some heavy stuff to do...

After your pc crashed open the logfile and see in what direction the temps developed.

post 5 quote my gpu temps I got using gpuz, fan speed didn't even near 100% so the gpu is obviously fine heat wise. LFS is the most graphic intensive program I have which I've ran and logged the temps were fine.

Thanks, hopefully this thread gets some people with the same problem sharing ideas...
Maybe if you open the case and clean all the dust out? I'm not saying that's what's wrong, but it sounds like overheating and dust causes that. Other than that, test your memory and your hard drive.
Have you got a spare GPU, test that?
* or underclock current GPU*
does it look like this? I have this bug every now and then. Never got a reply in the bug forum


Quote :There is a strange bug that occurs from time to time on my machine, afaik it only does in Z10. Mostly at the start of a race, and I'm quite sure only when extra autoX objects were on the track, LFS crashes, or to say it in a more fitting way, it seems to get stuck in an endless loop. Sound loops, and the FFB too.
I can change between different apps via alt-tab (the LFS soundloop disappears then, like normal), I can control Winamp via my keyboard (switch songs, pause), everything except LFS seems to work normal, but it will always stay onscreen.

Alt-F4 won't close it, nor does the Task-Manager help because I can't see it. Only thing I can do is restart the PC via its button.

sometimes I can close LFs and work on as usual, but when I then restart LFS all the graphics are buggy (eg white block instead of text etc)
Its not a GPU temperature issue, my PC would automatically shut down now matter what prog I'm running, I guess its somewhat related to directX drivers.
#20 - Davo
Dust is cleaned regularly.

I'm getting a new gpu soon so will see if that fixes it.

Not like that no, I can't alt-tab to anything or do anything else... the whole pc crashes, if i could alt tab I would get a crash address and give it to Scawen.
First and foremost, is it 'only' LFS? If not, likely a dying Gpu or dying Psu. If it's only LFS, reinstall from scratch. Go to Microsoft.com in the download section grab the dxweb setup, update/overwrite your Directx Libraries. From there do a 'clean' driver install. Uninstall your Gpu drivers, download an app called Driver Sweeper, run it and remove any remaining files (If you're running an AMD/ATI card, look for and remove files related, the app makes it very easy, if Nvidia, do the same, it's very transparent. Proceed to download/install the latest drivers for your card. It won't hurt to download the drivers ahead of time.

Should get ya going, unless it's a hardware issue, if so, testing the Gpu is easy, Psu on the other hand will require having a spare on hand.

You can stress test the hell out of your Gpu with FurMark, nothing will burn it harder.
Davo my nub, since I've had the same issue I can prolly tell u what it is.

The solders on the GPU are starting to have microcracks. At least that's what happened on my 8800 GTS 640 mb, after much googling I found the solution to be to strip the card of the cooler and everything not soldered to it and stick it in the oven for 10 min @ 200°C.

This kind of outlines how to do it:
http://www.overclock.net/nvidi ... ts-baking-successful.html

Basically, get some aluminum foil, stick it on the bottom of a flat pan, make 4 aluminum balls around 1-1.5 cm in diameter and stick the gpu on them (cpu looking at the al foil/pan and solders sticking up like in the pics), put it in the preheated oven for 8-10 min (depending who u ask).

I know your gpu still seems to function normally (as mine did, but soon enough it's going to start throwing artefacts before freezing, and then it's gonna be artefacts even in windows and then it's not gonna work any more), but you can try to bake it now, or wait for the artefacts.. in any case, I think that's what happening since it's a known problem with the 8800 series after the 3rd year of their life cycle.

It's been nearly a year since mine started freezing etc, it's been baked 2 times now and works ok.. Obviously if I ever get enough spare cash to invest in a new one, I will.. but if you're already thinking of buying a new one, you have nothing to lose by trying a "bake".
#23 - Davo
Thanks scipmeister!!! <3 u long time buddy :P

Yours sounds like the best and most sane solution given so far so I will 'bake' my card in the next few days and let you know how it goes. Cheers!

p.s. your mega happy fun times lfs thread is awesome
be very careful when baking GPU
Well, just don't forget it in the oven.. not much can go wrong otherwise. :P It won't spontaneously combust or anything. Btw, have some thermal paste ready to install the coolers again, and obviously clean all the old paste from the chips before baking the gpu.