The last oval race of the season! esrever ni ,emit sihT 
Server: NDR.LFSCART 2011
Date: 20th August 2011
Pass: Will be PMed to entered and confirmed drivers
Track: KY1R
Laps: 168 (will be 170 taking into account the formation laps)
Pit Window: 9-160 (11-162 in game)
17:00 UTC Qualifying (one car at a time, queue controlled by InSim Application, 60 minute window)
18:10 UTC Race (Race may be as early as 17:45 if qualifying finishes early)
18:00 UTC = 14:00 EDT / 19:00 BST / 20:00 CEST
To convert into your local time (if not listed here), either compare UTC vs your local time in the LFS lobby screen (singleplayer can do this also) or use the Time Zone Converter

Server: NDR.LFSCART 2011
Date: 20th August 2011
Pass: Will be PMed to entered and confirmed drivers
Track: KY1R
Laps: 168 (will be 170 taking into account the formation laps)
Pit Window: 9-160 (11-162 in game)
17:00 UTC Qualifying (one car at a time, queue controlled by InSim Application, 60 minute window)
18:10 UTC Race (Race may be as early as 17:45 if qualifying finishes early)
18:00 UTC = 14:00 EDT / 19:00 BST / 20:00 CEST
To convert into your local time (if not listed here), either compare UTC vs your local time in the LFS lobby screen (singleplayer can do this also) or use the Time Zone Converter