Here are the results of the second round.
Once again, the Crash Bonus was not achieved, although a few people came close: 76 Clyde landed on 07 Fire Rocky off the right ramp, but landed on Rocky's side instead of the roof, 69 Reginald Molehusband cleared 21 Master Twenty-One by a few inches and didn't make contact, and 14 Eddy scored his sole crash points of the night on the 21 car with a well-executed Skull Crusher... but it was off the wrong ramp and not the Crash Bonus ramp. The Bonus Points area was very well used by most drivers, with 13 Agtem being one of the better drivers in that area, although there were three Flatliners performed in that area, netting each attacking driver a staggering 2000 points! This put them right up at the top of each race's standings!
Action was everywhere in each race, with the final race probably the craziest race of them all. 21 Master Twenty-One was re-rolled onto his wheels by 616 Jam, only for 21 to go absolutely INSANE and attempt to kill everything in his path, racking up a mesmerizing
5550 crash points and 2 flatliners in the process!
For possibly the first ever time in the whole of the 3 DD League seasons, at least one driver was flatlined (i.e. taken out of the race altogether) in each race. To commemorate the occassion, here are the kills from each race, who killed who, and whether the kills were in the bonus area or not:
Race 1:
616 Jam was killed by
07 Fire Rocky
Race 2:
05 Magnanimous was killed by
22 Scott Pilgrim (bonus area kill)
Race 3:
05 Magnanimous was killed (again) by
76 Clyde (bonus area kill),
808 Tim was killed by
606 RIOT SQUAD and
76 Clyde was killed by
07 Fire Rocky
Race 4:
05 Magnanimous was killed (for a record third time) by
808 Tim,
606 RIOT SQUAD was killed by
808 Tim,
69 Reginald Molehusband was killed by
21 Master Twenty-One, and
07 Fire Rocky was killed by
21 Master Twenty-One (bonus area kill).
That's a total of
NINE kills for the whole event, with
THREE of them in the bonus area! Staggering! :jawdrop:
Aside from the kills, spare a thought for 76 Clyde, who led the majority of all but one race, only to roll out in each race and lose the chance to get those 500 win points for 1st place. How sad.
Once again, some of this season's new boys dominated the top 2 places, with Master Twenty-One taking the round 2700 points ahead of Tim in second, with Fire Rocky 915 points behind him. Thanks to all sixteen drivers who showed up and raced. :thumb3d:
The League and Race Standings will be posted shortly, with the
online scoreboard also getting updated.
Race 1
Race 2
Race 3
Race 4
Round Standings