I've been looking at the community and how it keeps going away further and further as it would seem. Looking at the cruise servers filling up and race servers turning into desolate ghost towns I realized that maybe LFS is more than a racing simulator. Maybe we should start looking at it a a driving simulator. I myself never saw the fun in driving around a race track under something like a yellow flag all day, but I'm not here to judge. I'm here to ask a question and prove a point.
But, if we're going to quit being a racing simulator and start being a driving simulator, shouldn't we do our best to put together some different kinds of driving competitions? After all, competitions are funer than a simple test drive where I am standing.
Having been to a bunch of different motor sports events this summer (Figure 8 Race, Demolition Derby, NASCAR Race, Dirt Track Oval Race), I realized that we're not getting the full effect of racing that a racing simulator could. We're missing a figure 8, a typical oval (not the wide open kind, but the one that you actually have to use the brake peadle), and a dirt oval. I know this isn't an American game, and I LOVE the fact that it's not ovals everywhere, but I think that you could attract a little bit of a crowd with the ovals. I know I got the game after I saw KY1 on LFS remote. Otherwise I wouldn't have S2 at this moment (I'm VERY glad that I do, and it's not because of that oval that I am glad at all).
Point is that there's alot of untapped potential in this game that nobody's willing to look at or try.
Enough of the pointless analization of the state of LFS. Time to get to my point: How well would a Demolition Derby Event be supported?
No, not Bangers. Bangers is not the kind of demolition derby I'm talking about. A true Demolition Derby. The world's shortest car endurance race. Literally a car fight to the death. Last one able to attack his opponents is the winner.
I've watched enough of them in my life to know how to put one on. I know how to administer this kind of event, and I have the server to do it. I'm just not going to take my time to put one on, type up the rules, and waste my time if the community disapproves of it or there isn't enough interest for it.
Also, just so you guys who have never seen a demo derby know.. the arena is rather small compaired to what there is on Carpark in total area. In fact I planned to put this derby on in an arena that is an Acre or a ~ 63x63 Meter Square.
So, I know that ^ is a large block of text just to ask the question "Are you interested in and would you approve of a Demolition Derby event?", but that's all this thread is for.
Edit: Figure 8 Event I am trying to do http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=75854
But, if we're going to quit being a racing simulator and start being a driving simulator, shouldn't we do our best to put together some different kinds of driving competitions? After all, competitions are funer than a simple test drive where I am standing.
Having been to a bunch of different motor sports events this summer (Figure 8 Race, Demolition Derby, NASCAR Race, Dirt Track Oval Race), I realized that we're not getting the full effect of racing that a racing simulator could. We're missing a figure 8, a typical oval (not the wide open kind, but the one that you actually have to use the brake peadle), and a dirt oval. I know this isn't an American game, and I LOVE the fact that it's not ovals everywhere, but I think that you could attract a little bit of a crowd with the ovals. I know I got the game after I saw KY1 on LFS remote. Otherwise I wouldn't have S2 at this moment (I'm VERY glad that I do, and it's not because of that oval that I am glad at all).
Point is that there's alot of untapped potential in this game that nobody's willing to look at or try.
Enough of the pointless analization of the state of LFS. Time to get to my point: How well would a Demolition Derby Event be supported?
No, not Bangers. Bangers is not the kind of demolition derby I'm talking about. A true Demolition Derby. The world's shortest car endurance race. Literally a car fight to the death. Last one able to attack his opponents is the winner.
I've watched enough of them in my life to know how to put one on. I know how to administer this kind of event, and I have the server to do it. I'm just not going to take my time to put one on, type up the rules, and waste my time if the community disapproves of it or there isn't enough interest for it.
Also, just so you guys who have never seen a demo derby know.. the arena is rather small compaired to what there is on Carpark in total area. In fact I planned to put this derby on in an arena that is an Acre or a ~ 63x63 Meter Square.
So, I know that ^ is a large block of text just to ask the question "Are you interested in and would you approve of a Demolition Derby event?", but that's all this thread is for.

Edit: Figure 8 Event I am trying to do http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=75854