Datum vydání S3 není známo, Scawen pořád pracuje na nové fyzice pneumatik a až bude hotová, plánuje se vydání Scirocca a S3 obsahu. Nikdo neví, jak dlouho to potrvá, chce to jen trpělivost
V té době měli vývojáři jiné plány... navíc teď S3 znamená balíček tratí a aut, kdežto dříve to bylo myšleno jako celková vylepšení hry. Nyní je to tak, že se hra vyvíjí nepřetržitě pro všechny a S1,S2 atd. jsou jen další auta a tratě.
I'm sorry. I think it is easier for both of us to speak Czech to avoid misunderstanding.
Basically, I told him that the devs are working on the tyre physics and that no release date for S3 has been told yet. And that the plans have changed since 2003, when the devs were already thinking about S3.
But seriously:
I realize that Scawen doing really hard work but I can not understand why Devs do not say anything about new content.
There is the official website, youtube channel and we first get information/materials from unofficial sources.
We can only wait for next leak... this is not fine.
Anyway, why can't they make some new content to just keep us happy? It seems Eric haven't done a thing in some years now; I mean he could make a track and car or two in those years couldn't he?
''why eric doesnt release new stuff'', ''what is eric doing all these years'', ''more cries...''
there are only two answers: either devs keeping everything until new tyres or eric hasnt done anything, either way you cant change anything about it so blah...
Why? This already happened a several times.
E.g. Information about Rockingham we got first from an unofficial source from people of this community, materials i.e. video clips showing new track now are available only at Rockingham website.
We have proof that it is possible.
But still I would prefer that it looked different.
@Eric I don't demand much, one your statement of the development of S3 content and I will be happy.
Yup. I guess Scawen were piss-head-drunk / high / both when coding the first barrier physics. "Scawen: Yooo Eric and Vic, look at this shit, it's freakin' awesome!" "Vic: Lol" "Eric: Mad bro, keep it, it's classic!"