Counter strike: GO
(20 posts, started )
Counter strike: GO
It's for consoles too.

-> It's going to suck.
#3 - PoVo
Remake of DE_DUST_2 at the very end makes the game crap. I really liked the proper dust one.

Also, weapon selection (with the round thing) is clearly orientated to make weapon switching easier on a console. Makes the game even more crap.

Cross platform play does sound interesting though.
Unless the PC version is the base, much like BF3, then...

Quote from Nadeo4441 :It's for consoles too.

-> It's going to suck.


The cross platform is probably for consoles only surely? If not I want to get it just so I can destroy people on my PC.
Quote from Nadeo4441 :It's for consoles too.

-> It's going to suck.

But if it's good on consoles, I might actually get it, as for some odd reason I enjoy those seni realisitc games like CoD or the new Opeation Flashpoint games more on console than on PC.
PMD, all Valve games are targetted mainly at PC - look at TF2/Xbox360 and Portal2/PS3 as example.

Also, I, as PC player, love crossplatform gaming a lot - so many freefrag meat! (consoles have way more players than PC sadly) :]
#7 - PoVo
Does anyone know what the price tag will be around?

I've never bought a Counter Strike game that's was just released so wouldn't know.
And to add, the console ver gona have "Auto aim" just like anyother MMOFPS

Welcome to the paradise of aimbots
Quote from PoVo :Also, weapon selection (with the round thing) is clearly orientated to make weapon switching easier on a console. Makes the game even more crap.

anyone who takes cs seriously will have buyscripts anyway

also they killed cs with the so called final anyway and continue to do so judging by how the models fire the ak from the hip

whatever happened to the great weapon handling animations of b7?!?
Quote from Inouva :And to add, the console ver gona have "Auto aim" just like anyother MMOFPS

Welcome to the paradise of aimbots

Valve have been putting auto aim in their games since HL1. This is nothing new.
Quote from E.Reiljans :PMD, all Valve games are targetted mainly at PC - look at TF2/Xbox360 and Portal2/PS3 as example.

True, just worried they might have their heads in the wrong place this time. CS has always been a PC shooter, so the change can be worrying.
Quote :
Also, I, as PC player, love crossplatform gaming a lot - so many freefrag meat! (consoles have way more players than PC sadly) :]

Quote from P5YcHoM4N :Valve have been putting auto aim in their games since HL1. This is nothing new.

Yes, but the Autoaim on CS 1.3 / 1.5 never worked, The only place where the autoaim works is in Half life 1 and is totaly crap how it's work

90% of MMOFPS for console have a nasty autoaim that makes the most idiot into a godlike killer

But anyway, CS:GO pc and console gona use a totaly diff servers ( Unless valve have the brillant idea of unify console and pc server so pc users can fight with the console users )
Quote from PoVo :Remake of DE_DUST_2 at the very end makes the game crap. I really liked the proper dust one.

i didn't like the changes to the maps in CSCZ or CSS either. call me old fashioned, i guess.
First versions are always the best, we all know this.
#15 - Uke
Quote from Inouva :Yes, but the Autoaim on CS 1.3 / 1.5 never worked, The only place where the autoaim works is in Half life 1 and is totaly crap how it's work

There was a version in the WON days where the crosshair would track around the screen for the closest target, but it meant you couldn't aim at a specific target. It was massively shit. The new autoaim just turns your crosshair red when you're over a bad guy.
#17 - PoVo
Quote from bunder9999 :i didn't like the changes to the maps in CSCZ or CSS either. call me old fashioned, i guess.

It's not about being old fashioned.

They make a really fun map and then reuse it it later games with new textures and a few new 3d objects.

It really upsets me when they make a new game with old stuff
Anybody else almost had tears in the eyes watching the first few seconds of that promo video and then went straight to the "WTF is that?" feeling?

Quote from Uke :Gameplay of two full matches.

I love how the game still has the original CS sounds, it's one redeeming factor about it, let's hope it stays that way. However, the de_dust remake is just... stairway in the underpass and a bridge across it? Way too easy for the terrorists if you ask me...
Quote from PoVo :It's not about being old fashioned.

They make a really fun map and then reuse it it later games with new textures and a few new 3d objects.

It really upsets me when they make a new game with old stuff

Quote from MadCatX :I love how the game still has the original CS sounds, it's one redeeming factor about it, let's hope it stays that way. However, the de_dust remake is just... stairway in the underpass and a bridge across it? Way too easy for the terrorists if you ask me...

yes, those map changes screw things up a bit, imo.

is it just me, or has not much changed in terms of gameplay? so what if they change up textures or guns, it's still the same game... i'd rather still be playing 1.6, if it weren't for the fact that the netcode went to shit after they ditched WON, and if people still played 1.6...
#20 - PoVo
On the topic of CS, has anyone got a problem with Counter Strike 1.6?

I have it on Steam, and whenever I try to play it, it never finds any players.

My mate also has the same problem and it's been happening for over a week.

Any ideas?

And I agree with the little changes. They changed the textures, added some more 3d models and made the UI look modern (classic feel is better, since I'm used to it so much)

Counter strike: GO
(20 posts, started )