Yeah I could just google if I wanted to, or I could just buy it like I have, it doesn't make a difference and it doesn't affect you so why do you care? Once I've tested it I can easily sell it on to some boy racer in his Saxo for the same price I bought it for, so I don't lose anything.

Sorry what's the comparison between letting someone shit in my mouth, and spending a few quid on something to see what it's like.
Quote from Migz :
Sorry what's the comparison between letting someone shit in my mouth, and spending a few quid on something to see what it's like.

The comparison is to show that both things are equally stupid and don't have to be tried out to find out it won't work.

And hey, do as you please...
It has arrived

Quote from PLAYAPIMP :It has arrived

Why you didn't spent like just $10 extra dollars on Twin Frozr III version? You wouldn't regret it, as it runs 20°C cooler on full load, and is way quieter than stock cooler on any load level. :3
Quote from E.Reiljans :Why you didn't spent like just $10 extra dollars on Twin Frozr III version? You wouldn't regret it, as it runs 20°C cooler on full load, and is way quieter than stock cooler on any load level. :3

I got this for $175 at microcenter. TFIII cost $239.99 so its more like $65
and if you have good cooling, you wouldn't notice the difference.
Quote from PLAYAPIMP :I got this for $175 at microcenter. TFIII cost $239.99 so its more like $65

wtf, $175? here that version costs ~$240 and TF3 is like $260 :/
Quote from dadge :and if you have good cooling, you wouldn't notice the difference.

Um.. Yes you will, difference in temps when overclocking, or difference in loudness when not.
Im running mine at 900/1800/4200. Highest its gone is 74C with Kombustor test. 64C with BC2.

Stock is like 822/1645/4000 so its a nice little performance boost.
Nice couch in the background.
Its a small apartment.
He even had to sell all his lightbulbs to have enough money for the card!


der butz
those are power saving coils.........
you guys are all ****eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees
Quote from E.Reiljans :/Um.. Yes you will, difference in temps when overclocking, or difference in loudness when not.

no you won't. remember i said with good cooling? that usually means that your case has well, erm, good cooling. it doesn't mean that your pc melts down once you add even 1Hz extra to the GPU. and are people still that anal about the sound of one fan being louder than the old one? i don't notice the one on the GTX470. i know it's spinning but it's no louder than the fans on my chassis. At least with a loud fan, you know the unit is working. also his location meant the price difference between the card he bought and the card you wanted him to buy was too great for such a small gain. so, although it might have been feasible for you to buy the "better" card. for PLAYAPIMP, the benefits were just not as big(card is more expensive).
I swear everyone as have those videos -______-

and I agree with dadge. It was a $65 increase to get the TFIII edition but my case has good airflow. Antec 902 (not the best case but many fans :razz side panels always off. 212+ with push/pull config. and all the case fans are always on max, so I'm used to loud fans.
New keychain cam

mStand for MBP

And a keyboard to go with it.

Got both for basically free. Not a hard choice there...
lucky bastard D:
well for the wheel at least.
already got the G35
awesome headset.
Attached images

Both look the same, but aren't blue.
Maglite 2D

LED Lenser H7

Ordinance Survey Laminated Maps OL26 and OL27.

This whole mountain rescue business is quite expensive. xD
Tickets for this badboy!

It was bloody brilliant!!!


And now, this!

67 tracks, and if you buy it thru amazon its only a fiver, half the price of what itunes want to charge for it, now thats a bargian!

Plus, as i have just noticed, you get the individual tracks, and the 3 continuous mixes of each set too, excellent!

Post your Last Purchase!
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