Looking to buy a new wheel for LFS. I read about the DFGT being the much cheaper and pretty equally as good version of a G27 and with 21 buttons instead of 2. Then again reviews seem to say it has the shifter located on a wrong spot? Should I go for a DFGT or are there other options out there these days?
My one and only wheel before was a MS Sidewinder FF which too bad died out entirely. Such epic quality for its time!
Thank you,
Looking to buy a new wheel for LFS. I read about the DFGT being the much cheaper and pretty equally as good version of a G27 and with 21 buttons instead of 2. Then again reviews seem to say it has the shifter located on a wrong spot? Should I go for a DFGT or are there other options out there these days?
My one and only wheel before was a MS Sidewinder FF which too bad died out entirely. Such epic quality for its time!
Thank you,