while i was hitchhiking in croatia, croatians said albania and serbia is bad
while i was hitchhiking in albania, albanians said croatia and serbia is bad
while i was hitchhiking in macedonia, macedonians said albania is bad
while i was hitchhiking in serbia, serbians said kosovo and croatia is bad
when i met guy from kosovo, he said serbia is bad
and when i was thinking about it, suddenly i was like:
and i stopped wasting my time with this silly problems
He meant that Nikola Tesla is Serbian so they won because all of that couldn't be done without electricity, but Nikola Tesla was born in a small village which is now part of a town called Gospić, in Lika, which is some kind of a county in Croatia. So he was either a Croat or an Austrian (we were "under" Austria at that time...) and definately not an Serbian, even if wikipedia says he was a Serb...
BTW, Kosovo now isn't part of Serbia, so they didn't win that either...
Cmon, it is place to be fun not ridicule - a Polish chemist Filip Walter made refraction of crude oil which enabled making of engines to make electricity... so what...?
Tesla was a Serb from Croatia living under Austro-Hungarian Empire and made his discoveries in USA... BTW. Croats, Serbs and Bosniacs are the same nation divided by alphabet, religion due to historic rule
And if you want to add to the confusion, Nikola is of Instro-Romanian descent which makes him Romanian at origins.
Also, the jet engine was invented by Henry Coanda, a Romanian inventor as well.
It's really important when a person that happened to live on roughly the same patch of land as you - as defined by people long ago - invented something of some importance.
There is an anecdote (amog all of them) about him, goes something like this:
He went to the cafe and ordered a tea. While he was waiting for it, he started thinking...
The waitress brought him the tea, but he remained motionless and appeared absent. Some 15 minutes later, the waitress was passing by his table and said to him: - Sir, your tea is getting colder
He startled and looked at her... then he said: - young lady, you've just downgraded human kind for about 100 years