Right, so as some of you may know, ive been experimenting with a lot of things to make the game seem more real, more fun. at first, i started with my ebrake..
I had come across the idea of a joystick, but im too lazy to take it apart and play with it, so i said hmmm, after talking to a few friends i came up with the idea i now use (roughly). I used a left over mouse i had to be clicked with a pull of a peice of wood, i set up the wood on an axis. this worked great and felt just like a standard ebrake in a car would, even had spring!
after a while, i got bored :P so i found a peice of stainless pipe downstairs and replaced the wood with a nice brushed steel pipe
. I've always wanted a hydrolic e-brake for my car (irl) so i thought i'd imitate one for life for speed
. using the base and uprights i already used for the previous one. i bent another peice of pipe, bolted it the the bottom of the handle. it's about 45 degree angle of a bend, which is about 5 inches long, there i had the same mouse waiting
Here's what it looked like;

After googling around looking at racing game setups made by some rich people. i said hmm, nothing better to do today, lets make a car..
here is the result of only about an hours work...

i'm amazingly happy with it!
Heres what i did...
Started with an old coffe table i had sitting in my room with junk on it.. took out the middle shelf so i could put my legs through.. this was a pain because the alan key's that i had for that size were all rounded off
but i made it work.. (canadian eh).
i then dug around my basement for an old seat out of my dads triumph, and after some search it was found
. i used the shelf i had taken off the coffee table to put the seat on.. took some 2x6 wood and put it under to rase myself up a bit so i wasnt scraping
mounted my pedals on an angle so i could easily push it to the floor, and that was pretty much it.. untill i found more wood for an even more real feeling.. finally!, my shifter is in the right spot! i took some old wood from a cabinet i had and cut it up, one peice 9x5 and the other 7x5 .. made an L and attached it to my table... heres a picture..

As you can also see in that picture, my ebrake is now in place, screwed down to another peice of wood so it wont go anywhere!.
My next steps on this build are to properly mount the seat to the wood, and possible make a triangle at the end to mount my pedals even better.. the seat has rails and everything so i can slide / tilt.
I'd like to see what some of you guys are doing with your setups. So Make your own setup project thread on here and show me how its done!
[DW] Connor.
ps.. not sure if this is the right spot for this but i couldnt find anything better
I had come across the idea of a joystick, but im too lazy to take it apart and play with it, so i said hmmm, after talking to a few friends i came up with the idea i now use (roughly). I used a left over mouse i had to be clicked with a pull of a peice of wood, i set up the wood on an axis. this worked great and felt just like a standard ebrake in a car would, even had spring!
after a while, i got bored :P so i found a peice of stainless pipe downstairs and replaced the wood with a nice brushed steel pipe

Here's what it looked like;

After googling around looking at racing game setups made by some rich people. i said hmm, nothing better to do today, lets make a car..
here is the result of only about an hours work...

Heres what i did...
Started with an old coffe table i had sitting in my room with junk on it.. took out the middle shelf so i could put my legs through.. this was a pain because the alan key's that i had for that size were all rounded off

i then dug around my basement for an old seat out of my dads triumph, and after some search it was found

As you can also see in that picture, my ebrake is now in place, screwed down to another peice of wood so it wont go anywhere!.
My next steps on this build are to properly mount the seat to the wood, and possible make a triangle at the end to mount my pedals even better.. the seat has rails and everything so i can slide / tilt.

I'd like to see what some of you guys are doing with your setups. So Make your own setup project thread on here and show me how its done!
[DW] Connor.
ps.. not sure if this is the right spot for this but i couldnt find anything better