Well that was a good round; no real bitching to speak of really.
For the second time this season, this round's turnout has been exactly the same as the previous round: 12 from 14, which once again gives an excellent 85.7% of drivers fulfilling their confirmations.
After putting the correct layout on (FINALLY!) there were some great crashes, especially in the bonus points zone, and some great flatlines, with 76 Clyde getting killed twice! Spin points will probably be through the roof after the broken suspensions from the jumps gave drivers easy targets to just tap out and rack up some great points in the process! Newcomer 997 Rik had a good round, but the notable absence of 21 Master Twenty-One could send a blow to his title chances. Has he kept his lead at the top of the standings, or has 808 Tim over taken him? All will be revealed later
Round 5, the final race round which will decide the Race Points Champion, is on the 1st of October, and goes from a really wide track in this round, to the narrow streets of South City. Here, there are double routes, tight turns, and a ramp for some serious airtime, and atrocities, in Citywide Chaos: will the racing resemble the recent UK riots? Probably... if the human rioters were replaced with cars smashing into shops and buildings: you should get the idea!
Hopefully you'll show up for another action-packed round of DD fun. If you, or a friend, want to join in the fun after reading this, just click
here and sign up! You won't be disappointed!