Honestly, I feel this way in NASCAR as well, but keep the double file restarts for oval tracks, but go back to single file restarts on Road Courses. There's no reason for open wheel cars to be put on a road course double file 16 deep with a blocking rule.
Oh, and what on Earth is the blocking rule about? Sure, they shouldn't block dangerously, but if you have a good .4 second gap or more block all you want. If you have a < .1 second gap, yeah.. that's a little different of course, but I think the rule is a good idea, I'd just like to see them tone down enforcement of it a little bit. They use that rule (from the few races that I've watch this year) as though it was the worst rule to break or something.
In all, not a half bad series to watch

I'm even going to the Kentucky race early this October